Semnalăm trei apeluri la Conferințe sau Publicații pe tema Big Data from Space, prin amabilitatea Prof. Mihai Datcu (DLR):

2017 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’17) 
Research, Technology and Innovation

28-30 November 2017
Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France

Jointly organised by ESASatCenJRC
and hosted by CNES

RSIP 2017

Deep Learning as Applied in Remote Sensing Imagery Interpretation (selected papers from the 2017 International Workshop on Remote Sensing with Intelligent Processing)

A GRSL special stream – 2017

· Feng Xu, Fudan University, China (GRSL Associate Editor)
· Mihai Datcu, DLR, Germany (Guest Editor)

Special Issue on Big Data from Space IEEE Transactions on Big Data



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