Courtesy of Mr. Mihail Ionescu, Director of Air Transport Directorate of the Ministry of Transport, we announce a student contest to select a national representative of the Young Aviation Network, which will gather between 1-15 July 2020 at Eurocontrol. Undergraduate students of the faculty may participate, Years 1, 2 or 3, maximum 22 years of age, passionate of aviation. Very good knowledge of English language is expected. Candidates may register by e-mail at attaching CV Europass in English and an essay written by the candidate about his/her passion of aviation, about the future career in aviation and how would the aviation look like in the future. The essay will be maximum 2 pages long. Registrations are expected between 24-27 Jan 2020 (no later than 27 Jan 2020 midnight). Short listed candidates will be invited for a discussion in English on Thursday, 30 Jan 2020 15:30 at Elie Carafoli department, after which the final result will be announced. Average grades will matter. Contest board consists of the following: Dean Assoc. Prof. O. T. Pleter, Prof. S. Dănăilă, Prof. M. Stoia-Djeska, Lect. C. Constantinescu.

Update 29 January 2019:

Three applications were submitted: Tirca Andreea Elena, Popescu-Boboc Maria and Radu Ana-Maria. We remind the candidates that the interview will take place on Thursday, January 20 at 3:30 pm, Elie Carafoli department headquarters.

Update January 31, 2019:

After the interview session and analyzing the essays, the competition committee decide to recommend student Popescu-Boboc Maria to the Air Transport Department. We thank all the participants for their efforts.


Openings at Alten

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Correct Rules Enforcing Re Evaluations and Resits

Note as of 14 May 2019: FAE-1 and FAE-2 rules have been repealed by Faculty Council Decision of 14 May 2019. Thus, all references to these rules below shall be ignored. The remaining recommendation will be maintained. Faculty Executive Board of FAE in the 24 January...

Job Opening at Bretigny

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114 Years of Aviation

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MS Regele Mihai

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European Space Generation Workshop

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Traian Vuia (en)

Traian Vuia, was a Romanian aeronautical pioneer, from Surducul-Mic, then a small village in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  Being scientifically minded, he attended the School of Mechanics at the Polytechnic University in Budapest.  Due to a lack of money, soon he...

Traian Vuia Story

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Traian Vuia Story

Traian Vuia Traian Vuia (also known as Trajan Vuia) was a Romanian inventor and pioneer in the aviation field. He is credited with the achievement of successfully building, thus demonstrating, that a flying apparatus could rise into the air using only its engine and...