Tutors / Professional Counselling

Tutors / Year Supervisors

Starting with the UY 2016/2017, by BEF Decision of 10 Nov 2016, the following tutors and year supervisors are appointed to serve as mentors / tutors for the students:

1st Year

Series RO = Conf. dr. ing. Grigore Cican

Series NA = S.l. dr. ing. Irina Ștefănescu

2nd Year

Series RO = Conf. dr. ing. Petrișor Pârvu

Series NA = S.l. dr. ing. Irina Ștefănescu

3rd and 4th Years

Series CA = Conf. dr. ing. Florin Frunzulică

Series SP = Conf. dr. ing. Daniel-Eugeniu Crunțeanu

Series EIA = Conf. dr. ing. Cristian Constantinescu

Series IMA = S.l. dr. ing. Ștefan Popescu

Series DA = Conf. dr. ing. Nicoleta Pascu

Series NA = Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor Pleter


Program SAS = Conf. dr. ing. Laurentiu Moraru

Program PAPM = Conf. dr. ing. Daniel-Eugeniu Crunțeanu

Program ANA = S.l. dr. ing. Valentin Pană

Program IMA = Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Eugen Zaharia

Program MA = As. dr. ing. Casandra Pietreanu

Program ITA = Conf. dr. ing. Octavian Thor Pleter

Program GID = Conf. dr. ing. Nicoleta Pascu

Program SHS = Conf. dr. ing. Daniel-Eugeniu Crunțeanu

Professional Counselling and Career Guidance

In the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering there is a Career Counselling and Guidance office, open in Room R023. The service is kindly delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Silviu Zancu (szancu@gmail.com), also qualified as a professional coach.
Those who need to clarify their views may register for an appointment at szancu@gmail.com
Session scheduling will depend on:
  1. Order of requests
  2. Time availability
  3. Course schedule
In the University Politehnica of Bucharest there is the Center of Counselling and Career Guidance (CCOC) in compliance with the Minister of Education Order No. 650/2014 and the UPB Senate Decision No.150/20.07.2015 regarding approval of the methodology to organize the activities of counselling and for the operations of the CCOC within UPB.
Among the specific objective of the Center of Counselling and Career Guidance (CCOC) we find:
a) Education regarding career as an educational approach aiming at developing of crossover competences, needed for career planning and management, both in introspection and personal development, and in exploiting educational and professional opportunities;
b) Informing about career, with a view on career planning and management, in terms of key competences, learning opportunities such as scholarships, practice and internship stages in companies and organizations, national and international programs of studies;
c) Career counselling which helps to clarify the career objectives, professional aspirations and goals, understanding the own identity, making an informed decision, taking responsibility for own actions, to manage the career plan and the transition from school to labour market. This type of counselling supports the young people in preparing an employment portfolio (writing a CV, a letter of intent, preparing and interview etc.) useful in the market recruitment and selection process.
Dr. Nicoleta Litoiu,
University Professor, Department of Forming for the Teaching Career,

Director of the Center of Career Counselling and Guidance,

University Politehnica of Bucharest

Students Entrepreneurship Center

The Students Entrepreneurship Center has started in the University Politehnica of Bucharest through the University Entrepreneurship Center, with financial support from the Ministry of National Education, within a project titled ”Make your Future! Be Entrepreneur!” The project runs between July and December 2017. Between 25 September and 6 October 2017 there are information sessions aimed at those students who consider developing their own business. We invite the students to contact Miss Raluca Răduță tel. 0768046475 email: raluca.raduta@upb.ro


Student Scientific Communication Session 2024

We invite you to participate in the "Student Scientific Communications Session" that will take place on May 10. To participate, you need to register by 18 April, 14:00, by sending an e-mail to valentin.pana@upb.ro. If you have a mentor teacher, you will need to send...

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                      On March 2, 2024 AeroConnectMeetings, an event dedicated to Aerospace Engineering where students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering had the opportunity to interact with leading...

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Students interested in drones are invited to join the new created EELISA community for Flight Tests and Experimental Models in cooperation with Istanbul Technical University. First intended action is an international contest for drones. More details will be available...

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NUU Groups Changes

We inform you that any change of group, after the beginning of the academic year, creates problems in the Moodle course site and in the Teams website, leading to the loss of access to courses and seminars. That is why such changes will not be approved and will not be...

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EELISA Contest

Do you want to become an European engineer? Start with a participation to the following contest: I EELISA Science Fiction Contest: open for submissions until OCTOBER 8th! Next, ask vice dean Petrisor Parvu about UPB-ITA EELISA community  tentative to enroll.

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Operational Procedures

PO privind acordarea burselor si a altor forme de sprijin material pentru studenti PO privind cazarea studentilor in camine PO privind circuitul documentelor PO privind completarea registrului matricol pentru ciclul de studii de licenta PO privind completarea...

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