The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized four Sections of Students Scientific Conferences on 11 May 2018. In each Section, the Conference Board selected 4 papers which got awards: 1st Prize (400 lei), 2nd Prize (300 lei), 3rd Prize (200 lei) and Mention (100 lei).
Section 09-01 Aircraft, Propulsion Sistems and Air Navigation <program>
1st Prize Robert GARGALÂC (Electronics Yr 3), Andrei URSULEAN, Mihai Liviu BĂIAŞU (Aerospace Yr 2) Aerial Recognition of Objects Using Convolution Networks, Supervisor Conf. dr. ing. Petrișor Pârvu
2nd Prize Gheorghe Adrian DINA, Genetic Algorithms in Optimization of Airfoils, Supervisor Prof. dr. ing. Sterian Dănăilă
3rd Prize Andrei Vlad COJOCEA, Mihnea GALL, Strategies to Implement k-epsilon and k-omega Turbulence Models using SIMPLE method in incompressible regime, Supervisors Conf. dr. ing. mat. Alina Bogoi, Prof. dr. ing. Sterian Dănăilă
Mention Ionuț BUNESCU, Estimation of Tunnel Corrections using Potential Models, supervisor Prof. dr. ing. Sterian Dănăilă
Section 09-02 Avionics and Aircraft Systems, Aeronautical Engineering and Management <program>
1st Prize Elisabeta ZAHARIADE, Air Transport Management of Dangerous Goods, Supervisor Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Eugen Zaharia
2nd Prize Maria Beatrice BĂLĂCEANU, Răzvan Ionuţ BĂLAŞA, Digital Cartography with Stereographic Image Processing, Supervisor S.l. dr. ing. Mihai Barbelian
3rd Prize, Andreea NEDELEA, Ramona RUSU, Cristina NEGREANU, Alternative Solutions for Movement Equations and Calculus of the Aerodynamic Angles for Endurance UAV type configurations, Supervisor Prof. dr. ing. Teodor Viorel Chelaru
Mention Ana Maria TRĂISTARU, Airport connectivity: calculation models and case studies, Supervisor Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Zaharia
Section 12-12 English Language, with Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages
1st Prize Monica SCORȚA (Aerospace), Black Holes, Supervisor Lect. dr. Elena Savu
2nd Prize Bianca Florina BUIDAN (Computers), Neuroinformatics – When the Brain Decides to Replicate Itself, Supervisor Lect.dr. Elisabeta Simona Catana
3rd Prize Adrian Mihnea BEC (Aerospace), Military Aviation, Supervisor Lect. dr. Elena Savu
Mention Samir KURBISSA (Transport), Why Electric Vehicles? The Future is Now, Supervisor Lect.dr. Diana Stoica
Section General Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science
3rd Prize Raluca Alina BATIU, Supervisor Prof. dr. ing. Cristian PÎRVU
Section of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Sciences
1st Prize: Vlad HOTHAZIE, Supervisor Lect. dr. Cristina ȘERBĂNESCU
Section of the Strength of Materials Department, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems
1st Prize Sorin Andrei NEGRU, Structural Analysis of a Drone, Supervisors Prof. dr. ing. Cristian Petre, Conf. dr. ing. Florin Baciu
3rd Prize Marilena MANEA, Diana Ionela SANDU, Andrei Mădălin GRIGORE, Mihai Liviu BĂIAȘU, Study of Stress Structures, Supervisors Prof. dr. ing. Cristian Petre, Conf. dr. ing. Florin Baciu
In the same time, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering students won prizes at Conference Sessions and Competitions of other Faculties:
Strength of Materials Competition C. C. Teodorescu, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems
2nd Prize National Phase atl Univ. of Pitești Tudor Gabriel FLOREA
1st Prize, Local Phase Tudor Gabriel FLOREA
Supervisor: Prof. dr. ing. Cristian PETRE
Mechanics Contest Andrei Ioachimescu, Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering
1st Prize and Radu Voinea Award National Phase Mechanics I at Univ. of Craiova Andreea Denisa GRIGUȚĂ
1st Prize and ASTR Award National Phase Mechanics II at Univ. of Craiova Andrei URSULEAN
Mention National Phase Mechanics II at Univ. of Craiova Iliuță Daniel DOGARU
2nd Prize Local Phase Mechanics I Andreea Denisa GRIGUȚĂ
Mention I Local Phase Mechanics I Ioana DIACONU
1st Prize Local Phase Mechanics II Andrei URSULEAN
3rd Prize Local Phase Mechanics II Iliuță Daniel DOGARU
Supervisors: Prof. dr. ing. Ion STROE, Prof. dr. ing. Mihai PREDOI
General Physics Contest for Engineering Students Ion I. Agârbiceanu organized by the Romanian Society of Physics
National Phase:
2nd Prize National Phase Andreea Denisa GRIGUȚĂ
3rd Prize National Phase Mara BUCUR
Students Competition in Mathematics Traian Lalescu
National Phase:
1st Place: Raluca Ioana CIOBOTIA
Mention: Maria Mira BOZDOG
Supervisor: Lect. dr. Cristina ȘERBĂNESCU
It is the 3rd year in a row when the 1st Prize at the National Phase of the Mathematics Students Contest Traian Lalescu is won by a student of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest! This performance relies on the assiduous work with the students of Mrs. Lect. dr. Cristina Șerbănescu of the Faculty of Applied Sciences
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George Constantinescu
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