The Student Aerospace Challenge 2017-2018

( was launched a few days ago and the organisation committee is encouraging applications from all ESA Member States (including Romania)!

This challenge proposed by the Astronaute Club Européen (ACE) and its industrial and institutional partners allows university student teams to work on the different aspects of a suborbital manned spaceflight mission, with a focus on economically viable and environmentally friendly solutions.

In order to provide the teams with a clear working basis, the mission is divided in 10 different Work Packages:
WP1 – Aerodynamic and Flight Control
WP2 – Structure suited to suborbital flight
WP3 – Reusable propulsion
WP4 – Cabin layout and associated equipment
WP5 – Spaceport
WP6 – Communication
WP7 – Project economy
WP8 – Legal frame and environmental rules
WP9 – Medicine
WP10 – Airworthiness

Students have the opportunity to create a team, put their knowledge into practice by working on a specific work package (linked to their core activity or in complement) and enjoy the privilege to add to their education an original experience which brings them closer to the aerospace sector.

Selected teams will have around 5 months to work on their projects and submit a report. They will then be invited to the Suborbital Day where they will get the opportunity to present their project to the partners of this challenge, including Dassault Aviation, Airbus Groups, Ariane Group and ESA.

Students wishing to participate in the Challenge need to get an oral authorization from an official member of their university (Director, Studies director, Professor, etc.) and apply through the “Application” section of the official website. They will need to specify the selected work package and provide a cover letter describing their motivation and skills.

Key dates:
1st December 2017: application deadline
15 December 2017: deadline for submission of technical summary
13 May 2018: deadline for sending report and poster in an electronic form
12 June 2018: ‘The Suborbital Day’ –  a special event gathering students and partners, ending the eleventh exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge

If you are interested in becoming Ambassador for the Challenge, you can find all the information at the bottom of the main page of the Student Aerospace Challenge website:

We remind you that in 2017 the Space Piranhas Team of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering got the Airbus Safran Launchers Prize, at the first participation in this contest.



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