Romanian Aviation Academy Hires Aviation Engineers
Romanian Civil Aviation Academy (SSAvC) hires two aviation engineers. Details <here>. UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering signed in 2016 a strategic partnership with the Aviation Academy materialized in students internship, aircraft maintenance, pilots...

3DEXPERIENCE: The New French Revolution
Today we celebrate France and we remember the French Revolution, which reshaped the history of Europe and of the mankind. Less would we expect a New French Revolution, infinitely more peaceful, to reshape the history of Europe and of the mankind starting from...

Tarom hires aviation engineers
Courtesy of our Alumna Diana Liță, aerospace engineer working for Tarom in the Structural and Advanced Composite Repair Shop, here you find a hiring ad from Tarom regarding aeronautical engineers. We wholeheartedly recommend Tarom, a long standing partner of...

UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at AeroDays 2019
Between 27-30 May 2019 the Palace of Parliament of Bucharest hosted the proceedings of the 8th European conference AeroDays. Launched in 1991, the European Aeronautics Days (Aerodays) represents the leading event in aviation research and innovation, a platform...

Travisions 2020
TRAVISIONS 2020 invites Bachelors, Masters and PhD students from all over Europe to submit innovative transport concepts to www.travisions.eu. The deadline for a first short abstract is 30th June 2019. Following this, participants are requested to develop and...

ISS Presentation
The presentation of the research activities of the Institute of Space Sciences and Romanian InSpace Engineering took place on Wednesday, May 8, 2019. A number of research topics were proposed to the students with this occasion,. If you missed the presentation or want...

Contest Lumea Geospațială 2019
Intergraph Computer Services challenges the students in the Lumea Geospațială competition, where the big prize is a notebook. Details about the competition <here>

Engineer position at Tarom
National flag carrier Tarom opens position for avionics engineer. Applications deadline is 10 May 2019. Details in Romanian <here>.

5 months Internship with EUROCONTROL
New! The deadline for your CVs has been delayed until 21st of May 2019. EUROCONTROL Bruxelles - ATM Planning, Reporting and Monitoring Unit searches trainees with some understanding of the European ATM system, its key players and challenges, as well as – very...

Aerostar Openings
Aerostar S. A. Bacău is the most important Romanian company in the aerospace industry. Many of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Alumni were hired and worked or are working here. Last year Aerostar received the Best Aerospace Engineering Employer Award from...