Correlation of the mark for knowledge in the Diploma Exam to the average grade of the years of study, according to Article 15, Paragraph 3 from the UPB Regulations to Finalize the studies is done by a rule issued by the Faculty Executive Board.
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Executive Board in the 13 June 2017 session ruled that the evaluation mark for knowledge given by each member of the Diploma Exam Board should not exceed a 2.00 points offset from the 4 years average grade (plus or minus).
The diploma project evaluation mark is not limited, remaining at each board member’s full discretion.
Schedule of Summer Exams 2017
Schedule of Summer Exams 2016-2017 Resits for Terminal Year Students Schedule of Research Reports Presentations Master Summer 2017
Aerospace Europe CEAS 2017
Aerospace Europe CEAS 2017 is organized for the first time in Romania, at the Palace of Parliament, 16-20 October 2017. University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is honoured to be an active partner of the organizers. The choice of...
Awards at Students’ Scientific Conferences
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized three Sections of Students Scientific Conferences on 12 May 2017. In each Section, the Conference Board selected 4 papers which got awards: 1st Prize (400 lei), 2nd Prize (300 lei), 3rd Prize (200 lei) and Mention (100...
Safety First!
The 3rd Year Students are asked to contact their internship supervisors to do the training in work safety. The general instructions may be downloaded from the Studențs/Internship Page. Annex 6 filled and duly signed must be presented together with the Tripartite...
Traian Lalescu National Competition Results
Results of the Traian Lalescu National Competition in Mathematics (national phase) Awards of the students of the University Politehnica of Bucharest Section B 1st Prize - Alexandru Bratei, 1st Year, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science 2nd Prize -...
Marius-Ioan and Prunariu Asteroids
Two asteroids got Romanian names. The Marius-Ioan asteroid was named after the President of the Romanian Space Agency, Dr. Marius Ioan Piso. The Prunariu asteroid is dedicated to our famous cosmonaut, Dr. ing. Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, distinguished alumnus of...
FAE-Aerostar Event May 2017
S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. BACĂU, AERONAUTICAL INDUSTRY GROUP involved in designing, construction, maintenance and modernization of civil and military aircraft, intend to hire at least 20 UPB-FAE aviation engineers in the course of the year 2017. For this purpose, the...
Aviation Electronics Laboratory
The aviation electronics lab provides student with support for the design, simulation and testing of practical work in digital and analog electronics. These includes interfacing transducers / sensors for different communication buses used by on-board computers...
Politechniad 2017
The teams of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering ranked 1st in the Women Vollyball competition and 3rd in the Men Basketball competition in 2017 Politechniad! The FAE Basketball team consisted of: ROȘCA RAREȘ 912 AN RĂSCOL ANDREI 912 URSULEAN ANDREI 912 AN...
Ion Stroescu
Ion Stroescu was born in Ploiești on 13 August 1888. He studied primary and high school in Ploiești, then he became a sports teacher at the Central School of Gymnastics in Bucharest. Very early in his youth he became addicted to aviation, especially for...