Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan

Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan works for more than 17 years in Eurocontrol, at the Maastricht Upper Area Control Center, and also at the central headquarters in Bruxelles. În Eurocontrol there is a strong Romanian team of engineers, graduates of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, who contribute to the efficiency of the flights in the crowded airspace of the Eurocontrol countries, maintaining in the same time the aeronautical safety at best levels worldwide.

Biography Key Points:

  • Graduate of the National College ”Sfantu Sava” Bucharest (1986)
  • Graduate of the University Politehnica of Bucharest – Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, specialization Aircraft, line of study On-Board Equipment and Intsalations (1993)
  • Graduate of Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest – International Business (1997)
  • ROMATSA (Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration) Head of ATS Development Division, ATS Expert (1993-1997)
  • Licence of Air Traffic Controller (1998)
  • Eurocontrol Corporate Management Training
  • PMI Project Management Training
  • Eurocontrol Safety Management Training
  • IATA Senior Management Certification
  • Several ATM/CNS and technical training courses
  • Air Traffic Controller License, Area Control
  • EUROCONTROL Maastricht UAC System and Business Development Manager, PMU

Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan is a founder members of AirNav Board, a Think Tank constiting of graduates of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, personalities of the field, professionally established in international organizations, such as ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), EUROCONTROL, Jeppesen – Boeing, General Electric or Learjet Corporation. This Think Tank delivered a pragmatic and modern curriculum for the ”Air Navigation – Air Transport Engineering” programs of studies, started in 2009 at the initiative of Dean Prof. dr. ing. Virgil Stanciu.


Aerostar Openings

  Aerostar S. A. Bacău is the most important Romanian company in the aerospace industry. Many of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Alumni were hired and worked or are working here. Last year Aerostar received the Best Aerospace Engineering Employer Award from...

Easter Mini Holidays

  By adding together the holidays decided by the Government and the recovered days according to the UPB Administration Council Decision of 20 February 2019, between 26 April - 5 May 2019 classes are suspended and the Students Office will be closed to the public....

FER Open Doors

  GKN FOKKER ENGINEERING ROMÂNIA organizes an Open Doors event dedicated to the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Year 2 students at its headquarters: 5-7 Dimitrie Pompeiu Blvd, Hermes Business Campus, Building 2, Level 3, Sector 2, Bucharest on 17 May 2019 from...

Openings at INCAS

INCAS - National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" opens 4 positions for Structure Analysis engineers for a determined period within the projects Space Rider Cold Structure, Space Rider Drop Test, RoRCraft, with the following requirements: - university...

Alten Delivery Center Bucharest Events

  Presentation ALTEN ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest  wants to come closer to the students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and as a result, on the 1st of April we will come to the Faculty to give a presentation  to  students from 4th year. The...


The ERASMUS + interview takes place on March 26, 2019, at 16:00, Room I002. 10 students are enrolled.  


“TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!” This is the motto of the most long-drawn career fair type event organized by EUROAVIA București and this year it will take place between 25 and 26 of March! About to celebrate its tenth edition, AEROCONSULT grants students the...

Air Navigation Convention 2019 Making of a decade

  Air Navigation Convention 2019 “Making of a decade”: 28-29th of March Air Navigation Convention, which celebrates this year its 10th edition, is an event organized by a group of students of the Air Navigation section of the Aerospace Engineering Faculty that...

Legendary Safety of the Boeing 737 Family

Boeing 737 MAX is the fourth generation of 737, one of the most successful transport airplane family. The first types 737-100 and 737-200 began to fly in 1967-1968. The type 737-200 is still flying, 17 units being in active service in Canada, although their...