The most important capital of a company is the human resource. The Faculty of Aerospace Engineeering is the main supplier of human capital to many companies in the aeronautical sector and the space sector in Romania, and not just those. Recognizing the importance of the links with the industry, the faculty is active in closing ties with its future beneficiaries, mainly though its highly regarded corps of alumni.

Our Graduates Fulbright Student Award Winners 2019
Andreea Sfia, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Air Navigation, Alumna 2018 Mihai Golu, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Air Navigation, Alumnus 2017 Last year we saw the Fulbright announcement on our website and we decided to apply for...
Catia Lab is the laboratory by which UPB - Aerospace Engineering Faculty and ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest (GECI Engineering Services) lay the foundations of the next generation of aircraft design engineers. We invite all interested students wishing to learn...
Athens Network for Students
Athens Network is a short duration mobility program for students (16-24 March 2019). English language level B2 is required. Apply following these steps : - Fill the form: - Access Athens site and create an account,...
Openings in UPB-FIA
UPB-FAE hires two research assistants in aerospace. Details (in Romanian) <here>.
Harmony Jets Openings
Harmony Jets based in Malta hires urgently an aerospace engineer with knowledge of air navigation for the position of dispatcher. Details <here>.
Openings at the Aeroclubul României
Courtesy of CEO pilot eng. George Rotaru (alumnus of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering) we announce that Aeroclubul României looks to hire young aerospace engineers. Details (in Romanian) <here>. Aeroclubul României is an important aviation...
Students Wanted at the Fokker Academy
Fokker Academy was established in March 2017, in the wake of signing the Partnership between UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and GKN Fokker Engineering Romania. In the Fokker Academy, our students learn to design directly from highly experienced engineers,...
Sponsorship S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. Bacau
Sponsorship S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. Bacau On Monday, 20 November 2018, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering received from S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. Bacau company a sponsorship that comprises cargo aircraft components (taken out of use), such as: actuator for the landing gear,...
European Space Talks
I We invite our academic community to participate to an important space event organized by the French Institute of Bucharest:
GKN Fokker Engineering Romania
GKN FOKKER ENGINEERING ROMÂNIA hires aerospace engineers. In 2016 we signed a strategic partnership with this prestigious company, which has over ten years of activity in Romania, with many accomplishments in latest generation aircraft design, employing our...
Catia Lab is the laboratory by which UPB - Aerospace Engineering Faculty and ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest (GECI Engineering Services) lay the foundations of the next generation of aircraft design engineers. We invite all interested students wishing to learn more...
FAE-AEROSTAR Event June 2018
S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. BACĂU, AERONAUTICAL INDUSTRY GROUP involved in designing, construction, maintenance and modernization of civil and military aircraft, intend to hire at least 20 UPB-FAE aviation engineers in the course of the year 2018. For this purpose, the UPB-FAE...
Aeroconsult 2018
With the vision to develop and inspire future leaders and bring added value to the relationship between students and aerospace companies, the EUROAVIA Bucureşti Association supports the students with the project called AEROCONSULT. At its 9th edition,...
Private Pilot Licence SSAvC Scholarships
Courtesy of Eng. George Barbu, CEO of the Aviation Academy and Alumnus of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, we announce this opportunity: On the occasion of the Great Union Centenary, as a sign of gratitude for the values that the Faculty of Aerospace...
Job Opening at Bretigny
By courtesy of our Alumnus, Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan, we invite our students, master students and fresh graduates to consider this job opening at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Center (near Paris) in domain of ATM Simulation and Modelling (including BADA). <Job...
IAR American
On 18 November 2017 in the Acad. Virgiliu Constantinescu amphitheater, professors and students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering met Eng. Pilot Gabriel Iancic, President of the IAR AMERICAN organization and Eng. Sorin Ploscaru, aircraft designer. IAR...
Fokker Open Doors 2017
FOKKER ENGINEERING ROMÂNIA has the pleasure to announce an Open Doors event on 15 November 2017 for a group of 25 students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. 3rd Year students are invited, but also 2nd Year students. Interested students should register...
Cooperation with EUROCONTROL
On 16 October 2017, a delegation of EUROCONTROL led by Director General Dr. Frank Brenner is visiting the University Politehnica of Bucharest at the invitation of our Rector, Mr. Mihnea Costoiu. At 1 pm in the Senate Room the Cooperation Agreement will be signed...
Jeppesen FIA RAS Contest
As Mr. Sacha Neusser (Jeppesen) and Sorin Roșca, MAEng (RAS) announced on the floor of the Opening of the University Year, we publish <here> the details of the Jeppesen - Faculty of Aerospace Engineering - Regional Air Services contest aimed at faculty students...
Opening 2017
In the Radu Voinea AN010 amphitheater on 25 September 2017, 10 am, the Rector of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Mihnea Costoiu declared the new University Year 2017-2018 opened, in an enthusiast atmosphere. The Rector pointed out the value and the...
FAE-Aerostar Event May 2017
S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. BACĂU, AERONAUTICAL INDUSTRY GROUP involved in designing, construction, maintenance and modernization of civil and military aircraft, intend to hire at least 20 UPB-FAE aviation engineers in the course of the year 2017. For this purpose, the...
Best Aerospace Engineering Employer Award 2016
On 23 March 2017, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering offered to the Blue Air company the Trophy Best Aerospace Engineering Employer Award 2016. This trophy is presented every year to that company who employed most UPB-FAE graduates, bachelor, master, and...
Dutch-Romanian Tech Cooperation
Building a Successful Dutch-Romanian Tech Cooperation is an event of the Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) organized on 3 March 2017 in the Senate Room of the University Politehnica of Bucharest. Mr. Sebastiaan van Hese, President of NRCC and...
Making SES Work for Romania
The British company Think Research together with the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized on 25 January 2017 the ”Making SES Work for Romania” seminar. Think Research were represented by Conor Mullan, Executive...
Partnership with Romanian Aviation Academy
On 24 Octomber 2016, the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the Romanian Aviation Academy (RAA) have signed a cooperation protocol for 8 years, to work together in civil aviation training and education at a state of the...
NUU Groups Changes
We inform you that any change of group, after the beginning of the academic year, creates problems in the Moodle course site and in the Teams website, leading to the loss of access to courses and seminars. That is why such changes will not be approved and will not be...
EELISA Contest
Do you want to become an European engineer? Start with a participation to the following contest: I EELISA Science Fiction Contest: open for submissions until OCTOBER 8th! Next, ask vice dean Petrisor Parvu about UPB-ITA EELISA community tentative to enroll.
SpaceX and NASA are targeting Friday, April 23 for Falcon 9’s launch of Dragon’s second six-month operational crew mission (Crew-2) to the International Space Station (ISS) from historic Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida
<< SpaceX and NASA are targeting Friday, April 23 for Falcon 9’s launch of Dragon’s >>
Operational Procedures
PO privind acordarea burselor si a altor forme de sprijin material pentru studenti PO privind cazarea studentilor in camine PO privind circuitul documentelor PO privind completarea registrului matricol pentru ciclul de studii de licenta PO privind completarea...
Organizing the exam session from the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021
<< The decision of the Senate regarding the organization of the examination session from the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021 >>
Carrying out teaching activities exclusively online for weeks 12, 13 and 14 of the academic year 2020-2021
<< Senate decision regarding the development of teaching activities exclusively online for weeks 12, 13 and 14 of the academic year 2020-2021 >>
Guide for assigning topics for the diploma exam
<< Guide for assigning topics for the diploma exam >>
Extension of the exam session for last year
Considering that all the results of the verification have been announced, we are waiting until May 30, at 8 pm, on the faculty mail, proposals for data to reschedule these subjects (year 4, second semester) for week 01.06-05.06.2020. The proposal will contain the name...
PhD thesis defending
On 27.05.2020 at 16:00 PhD candidate Stefan ANTON will defend his thesis with title "Proiectarea și construirea unor machete la o scară favorabilă pentru a verifica pe rând criteriile de similitudine în vederea obținerii unor coeficienți de corecție în proiectarea...
Online Courses
According to the Decision of the Board of Directors of the UPB No. 14, from 11.03.2020, during the period 11-31.03.2020 the didactic activities will take place on-line. More details in the course forums at: