International Students – Admissions
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering offers programs of studies for international students at three levels: undergraduate (bachelor), master, and doctoral. Most undergraduate and master programs are in Romanian. The access to these requires the study of a preparatory year for international students to learn Romanian.
Programs taught entirely in English are also on offer: Air Navigation Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Air Transport Master of Aerospace Engineering.
The studies for international students are not free, a tuition fee is charged. For the citizens of the European Union and for all citizens with Romanian nationality there are facilities and scholarships supplied by the Ministry of Education.
The Department for International Students of the University Politehnica of Bucharest
Contact Persons:
1 Tiberiu Apostol – Head of Department – 0744 306 966 021 402 95 40 /
2 Maria Hadar – Head of Office – 021 402 94 83 / 021 402 94 50 /
3 Andra Vasile – Financial Officer – 021 402 94 83 / 021 402 95 40 /
4 Ilariana Tudor – Financial Officer – 021 402 94 83 / 021 402 95 40 /
Romanian long-stay visa for studies
Since 2017 rules will change and application for admissions will be processed by the Faculty Dean’s Office instead of the Department for International Students.
Romanians from Everywhere
The following persons belong to the Romanians from Everywhere category:
a) Persons who freely assume a Romanian cultural identity, persons of Romanian origin and those who belong to the Romanian cultural and linguistic heritage and live outside Romania, regardless of their Romanian proxy ethnic title (Armâni, Armânji, Aromanians, Bessarabians, Bucovinians, Cutzovlahs, Daco-Romanians, Farserots, Hertsans, Histro-Romanians, Danube Latins, Makedoromanians, Maramuressians, Meglenites, Meglenoromanians, Moldavians, Rrumans, Rumans, Vlachs, Vlahs, Vlasis, Volohis, Makedoaromanians), and equally all other related variants,
b) Emigrated Romanians, regardless of their citizenship status, their descendants, and Romanian citizens with residence in other countries.
Admission Methodology for Romanians from Everywhere (in Romanian)
Rules of Admissions UPB (in Romanian)
The Romanian Government offers free places for university studies, with or without scholarship. In UY 2019-2020 University Politehnica of Bucharest offers 144 bachelor, 30 master and 5 doctoral studies places for Romanians from Everywhere. Also, UPB organizes the preparatory year to learn Romanian for those candidates who choose it. The candidates must possess a diploma equivalent to the Romanian Baccalaureate diploma.
The Romanian Baccalaureate Diploma in various countries
Caution! The Romanians from Everywhere program exclusively regards the programs of studies in Romanian language.Air Navigation (bachelor) and Air Transport Engineering (master) are not accessible through this program.
Downloadable forms for applicants:
Declaration of Belonging to the Romanian Cultural Identity
Further details regarding admissions:

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