Students from UPB/FIA are invited to apply for a DoD sponsored research internship at the University of Central Florida. The details of the invitation can be found below.

Dear Sterian,
Because of your strong connection with undergraduate students who may pursue graduate studies, we hope you will help us to recruit students from Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest to the NSF-DoD REU Site: Advanced Technologies for Hypersonic, Propulsive, Energetic, and Reusable Platforms (HYPER) at the University of Central Florida (UCF).

This REU site addresses challenges in space travel and energy production, advancing the fundamental knowledge needed to overcome technical barriers limiting hypersonic flight.
The 10-week program will be held next summer from May 26 – July 31, 2020. Participants will gain hands-on research training in challenges such as utilizing advanced manufacturing techniques for high-value components, integrating in-site monitoring of stress-strain evolution, developing novel methods for improved internal cooling and heat transfer effectiveness, and mitigating flutter through advanced rotor dynamic control. Many of these challenges rely on approaches that cut across disciplines and research techniques.
We are recruiting a diverse group of 11 participants. These students will:
• Engage in hands-on research guided directly by a faculty mentor and graduate student
• Interact with a diverse multidisciplinary team of researchers
• Visit the NASA Kennedy Space Center and various aerospace companies
• Participate in professional development workshops
• Gain in-depth training on numerical simulation software ANSYS
• Prepare for graduate school and a research-based career
Each REU participant will receive a summer stipend of $5,000, on-campus room and board, and a travel allowance to and from Orlando.
To learn more about the program, please visit our website at
The application deadline for this REU site is Monday, March 23rd, 2020 at 11:59 PM EDT. Prospective participants may apply at
Will you share this information with prospective summer participants? Please free to invite them to apply by forwarding this e-mail and this REU flyer.

The organizers of the program are Drs. Ali P. Gordon and Jeffrey L. Kauffman ( I hope that you will let us know if you have any questions about the REU program or the University of Central Florida.
Best Regards,
Ali P. Gordon, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Graduate Affairs, College of Engineering & Computer Science (
Professor, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (
Member, Center for Advanced Turbomachinery and Energy Research (




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