Erasmus+ selection, october 2024
Selection session 3 for placement mobility
Following the applications received, a new selection session for placement mobility will be organized on 05.04.2024, 12:00, at the Dean’s office.
The deadline for submission of documents, both at the secretariat and on the platform, is 04.04.2024, 16:00.
Erasus+ selection results March 2024
Erasmus+ selection, March 2024
The Erasmus+ mobility selection competition will take place on 18.03.2023, from 14:00 at the Dean’s Office (or online).
According to article 33 of the “Regulation on the mobility of students and staff of the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme”, the file must contain:
(1) Academic record, including the average (M) of the study semesters previous to the corresponding study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat, except for PhD students who will present the PhD student certificate issued by the Doctoral School secretariat;(2) Presentation of professional-scientific activity, namely awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results in scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including from the period of high school studies, at local / POLITEHNICA Bucharest, national /international level;
(3) Certificate of knowledge of an international language of communication or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages of POLITEHNICA Bucharest or by an authorized institution. The level of knowledge of that language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
(4) Cover letter (written in English, French or German);
(5) EUROPASS CV (in English, French or German);
(6) Copy of identity card.
Language test March 2024
Please note that the language tests for students who will participate in the ERASMUS selection in March and do not hold a language certificate will be organized Wednesday 6 March on Moodle as follows:
German (10 am):
French (12 noon):
Spanish (2pm):
English (16:00):
Mobilities within the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme in Romania – Financed from the EEA Grants
The exchange between the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the University of Iceland represents a unique opportunity for students and faculty to combine academic experience with the exploration of a culture. This intercultural experience allows students to develop their communication skills and interact with students and professors from different academic backgrounds. This collaboration offers new perspectives and exciting challenges in terms of projects and research in the field of aerospace engineering.
Student Mobility Selection, EEA Grants University of Iceland December 2023
Within the framework of the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP), funded by the EEA Grants – Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, the selection of participants for 6 student mobilities for the academic year 2023-2024 is organised:
Mobility Type |
No. of places |
Field of study |
Study level |
Partner university |
mobility |
Unfolding mobilityi |
„Traineeship” |
6 |
(cod 0788), |
1 (anii 1-4) |
University of Iceland (UOI) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
2 months |
(cod 0588) |
(cod 0588) |
*Education fields
0788 | (Engineering, manufacturing and construction, inter-disciplinary programmes) |
0588 | (Natural sciences, mathematics and statisititics, inter-disciplinary programmes) |
The overall aim of this project is to strengthen international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of mechanical engineering, more specifically in the field of developing collaborative work on the reduction of air pollution and noise pollution through numerical and experimental simulations, as well as construction and alternative research in the field of bio-fuels with applications in turboshaft engines, between the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB-Romania) and the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland (UoI-Reykjavik).
The grant is a lump sum and consists of:
– 1200 Euro/month for subsistence
– 530 Euro – travel expenses.
Contents of the application file:
The student will submit to the faculty or online the EEA Student Application File, on the cover page of which are inscribed,
– EEA scholarship application form
– Faculty of …
– Name and surname of the student
– Student/Master/PhD, year of study (current) …
– Data …
The file contains the following documents:
– Application for the competition addressed to the Dean, stating the type of mobility (STUDY/ TRAINEESHIP).
– Academic record, including the average (P1) of the study semesters prior to the corresponding study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat, except for doctoral students who must present the doctoral student certificate issued by the Doctoral School secretariat.
Presentation of professional-scientific activity, i.e. awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results in scientific events, projects, competitions, olympiads, etc., including from the period of high school studies, at local/UPB, national/international level.
Certificate of knowledge of an international language of communication or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages of UPB (a mark of at least 7 in English is also acceptable) or by an authorised institution. The level of proficiency in that language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (not required for AIRNAV students).
Cover letter (written in English).
EUROPASS CV (written in English).
Copy of Identity Card.
Selection criteria:
– Academic results – 20% of the score;
– Motivation letter – 20% of the points (Maximum half a page or 250 words);
– Interview to assess attitude towards the possible mobility experience – 40% of the marks;
– English language skills, relevant for a quality mobility (knowledge of the host country’s language will be considered an advantage) – 20% of the points.
Selection timetable:
– Deadline for submission of applications: : 05.12.2023, 12.00 noon.
Applications must be submitted
– electronically to the e-mail address or
– physically at the Faculty Secretariat
– Interview of candidates: 06.12.2023 , 12 noon, Dean’s Office;
– Display of results: 06. 12.2023, after 16.00;
Submission of appeals: 07.12.2023, between 10.00-14.00
Appeals must be submitted
– electronically, to the e-mail address or
– in person at the Faculty Secretariat
Display of final results (online): 07.12.2023 (after 20.00).
The results will be published on the website
Selection of mobility of teachers, EEA Grants University of Iceland December 2023
Within the framework of the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP), funded by the EEA Grants – Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, the selection of participants for 7 Training Mobilities for the academic year 2023-2024 is organised:
„Staff Training” |
7 |
(cod 0788), |
Head of works |
University of Iceland (UOI) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
5 days |
(cod 0588) |
The overall aim of this project is to strengthen international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of mechanical engineering, more specifically in the field of developing collaborative work on the reduction of air and noise pollution through numerical and experimental simulations, as well as construction and alternative research in the field of bio-fuels with applications in turbines, between the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB-Romania) and the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland (UoI-Reykjavik).
The grant is a lump sum and consists of:
living expenses:
– 250 € / day
– 1250 € / week
– 2200 € / 2 weeks for subsistence
transport costs:
– 530 Euro
The application file will contain the following documents:
Application for the competition addressed to the Dean, stating the type of mobility
– CV (EUROPASS model) containing the presentation of professional-scientific activity, i.e. awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results in scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including during high school, at local/UPB, national/international level (in English);
– Motivation letter (in English) stating the professional objectives pursued by the applicant during the mobility and the expected results;
– Certificate of proficiency in an international language of communication or in the official language of the host country, issued by the Modern Languages Department of UPB or by an authorised institution. The level of knowledge of that language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; (For teachers who teach at AIRNAV or who have taught abroad, the certificate is not required).
Selection criteria
– Content of the motivation letter (maximum one page or 300 words); – 30% of the points
– Content of Europass CV – 30% of points
– Involvement in internationalisation activities at institutional level – 40% of points
Selection calendar:
Deadline for applications: 05.12.2023, 24.00
Applications must be submitted
§ electronically to the e-mail address or
§ physically at the Faculty Secretariat
Results posted: 06.12.2023, after 16.00;
Submission of appeals: 07.12.2023, between 10.00-14.00
Appeals must be submitted
– electronically, to the e-mail address or
– physically at the Faculty Secretariat
Display of final results (online): 07.12.2023 (after 20.00).
The results will be published on the website
Erasmus Selection November 2023
Registration for the ERASMUS+ mobility competition is done at the FIA secretariat until 24.11.2023 at 16:00.
The ERASMUS+ mobility selection competition will take place on 27.11.2023, from 14:00 at the Dean’s Office.
Candidate files will have the content according to article 27 of the regulation.
The student will submit to the secretariat:
1.Cover page of the Erasmus+ student application file:
Erasmus+ student application form
Student (Name and Surname)
Student / Master / PhD student, year of study (current) …
ERASMUS code of the partner university…
Date …
2.The file contains the following documents:
Application to the dean, indicating the type of mobility according to Art. 4 and Art. 9 of the Regulation (study mobility; placement mobility (internship); study and placement mobility).
The academic record, including the average (M) of the study semesters prior to the corresponding study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat (online request, except for doctoral students who must present the doctoral student certificate issued by the Doctoral School secretariat.
A presentation of the professional-scientific activity, namely: awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results in scientific events, projects, competitions, olympiads, etc., including from the period of high school studies, at local / UPB, national /international level.
Certificate of knowledge of an international language of communication or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages of UPB or by an authorised institution. The level of knowledge of that language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Cover letter (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German).
Curriculum Vitae EUROPASS model (PLEASE NOTE!!! in English, French or German).
Copy of Identity Card.
The selection of candidates for Erasmus+ Student status is based on the RESULTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL-SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY AND THE SELECTION INTERVIEW.
More information about the Erasmus+ programme can also be found at:
Revised Erasmus+ selection results March 2023
Serial No | Selection (A*: admitted, Z: reserve, R: rejected) |
Mobility type | ERASMUS Code of the host university |
No months | Mobility start date |
9184/76/2022 | A | Study | EBARCELO 03 | 5 | September 2023 |
9188/76/2022 | A | Study | FBORDEAU54 | 5 | September 2023 |
9332/77/2022 | A | Study | EVALENCIO02 | 5 | September 2023 |
9151/76/2022 | A | Study | FTOULOUS16 | 5 | February 2024 |
8973/74/2021 | A | Study | EVALENCIO02 | 5 | September 2023 |
2991/19/2022 | A | Study | IMILANO02 | 6 | September 2023 |
8778/72/2020 | A | Study | FTOULOUS18 | 5 | September 2023 |
9104/75/2021 | A | Study | TR INSTANBU04 | 6 | September 2023 |
9327/77/2022 | A | Study | FBORDEAU54 | 5 | September 2023 |
9267/77/2022 | A | Study | TRISTANBU04 | 5 | September 2023 |
2956/19/2022 | A | Study | EBARCELO 03 | 5 | September 2023 |
9217/76/2022 | A | Study | FBORDEAU54 | 5 | September 2023 |
9009/74/2021 | A | Study | EVALENCIO02 | 5 | September 2023 |
9252/77/2022 | A | Study | EVALENCIO02 | 5 | September 2023 |
8993/74/2021 | A | Study | F TOULOUS18 | 5 | September 2023 |
Erasmus+ selection results March 2023
Serial No | Selection (A*: admitted, Z: reserve, R: rejected) |
Mobility type | ERASMUS Code of the host university |
No. of months | Mobility start date |
9184/76/2022 | A | Study | EBARCELO 03 | 5 | September 2023 |
9188/76/2022 | A | Study | EMADRID 05 | 5 | September 2023 |
9332/77/2022 | A | Study | EVALENCIO02 | 5 | September 2023 |
9151/76/2022 | A | Study | FTOULOUS16 | 5 | September 2023 |
8973/74/2021 | A | Study | EMADRID05 | 5 | September 2023 |
2991/19/2022 | A | Study | IMILANO02 | 6 | September 2023 |
8778/72/2020 | A | Study | FTOULOUS18 | 5 | September 2023 |
9104/75/2021 | A | Study | TR INSTANBU04 | 6 | September 2023 |
9327/77/2022 | A | Study | EMADRID05 | 5 | September 2023 |
9267/77/2022 | A | Study | EMADRID05 | 5 | September 2023 |
2956/19/2022 | A | Study | EBARCELO 03 | 5 | September 2023 |
9217/76/2022 | A | Study | EMADRID05 | 5 | September 2023 |
9009/74/2021 | A | Study | EVALENCIO02 | 5 | September 2023 |
9252/77/2022 | A | Study | EVALENCIO02 | 5 | September 2023 |
8993/74/2021 | A | Study | F TOULOUS18 | 5 | September 2023 |
Serial No | Selection (A*: admitted, Z: reserve, R: rejected) |
Mobility type | ERASMUS Code of the host university |
No. of months | Mobility start date |
8856/73/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8861/73/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8785/72/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8771/72/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
2951/19/2022 | A | Placement | ISALERNO01 | 6 | February 2024 |
8807/72/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8800/72/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8702/71/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8684/71/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8869/73/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | iJuly |
8831/72/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8835/72/2020 | A | Placement | DLR | 3 | iJuly |
8750/72/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
8588/70/2019 | R | Placement | DBREMEN04 | ||
8828/72/2020 | A | Placement | EUROCONTROL | 3 | July |
Selection of teachers mobility, EEA Grants University of Iceland May 2023
Within the framework of the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP), funded by the EEA Grants – Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, the selection of participants for Teaching/Training Mobilities for the academic year 2023-2024 is organised:
„Staff Training” | 1 | (cod 0788), |
Head of works
University of Iceland (UOI) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
5 days | 15.04.2023-14.04.2024
(cod 0588) | ||||||
„Staff Training” | 1 | (cod 0788), |
Head of works
University of Iceland (UOI) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
5 days | 15.04.2023-14.04.2024
(cod 0588) |
„Staff Training” | 1 | (cod 0788), |
Head of works
University of Iceland (UOI) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
5 days | 15.04.2023-14.04.2024 |
The overall aim of this project is to strengthen international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of mechanical engineering, more specifically in the field of developing collaborative work on the reduction of air and noise pollution through numerical and experimental simulations, as well as construction and alternative research in the field of bio-fuels with applications in turbines, between the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB-Romania) and the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland (UoI-Reykjavik).
The grant is a lump sum and consists of:
living expenses:
250 € / day
1250 € / week
2200 € / 2 weeks for subsistence
transport costs:
530 Euro
The application file will contain the following documents:
Application to the dean, stating the type of mobility
CV (EUROPASS model) containing the presentation of professional-scientific activity, i.e. awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results in scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including from the period of high school studies, at local/UPB, national/international level (in English);
Cover letter (in English) stating the professional objectives pursued by the candidate during the mobility and the expected results;
Certificate of proficiency in an international language of communication or the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages of UPB or by an authorised institution. The level of knowledge of that language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; (For teachers who teach at AIRNAV or who have taught abroad, the certificate is not required).
Selection criteria
Content of the motivation letter (maximum one page or 300 words); – 30% of the points
Content of Europass CV – 30% of points
Involvement in internationalisation activities at institutional level – 40% of points
Selection calendar:
Deadline for applications: 05.05.2023, 24.00 hours
Applications must be submitted
electronically to the e-mail address or
physically at the Faculty Secretariat
Results display: 08.05.2023, after 16.00;
Submission of appeals: 09.05.2023, between 10.00-14.00
Appeals must be submitted
electronically to the e-mail address or
physically at the Faculty Secretariat
Display of final results (online): 09.05.2023 (after 20.00).
Results will be published on the website
Student Mobility Selection, EEA Grants University of Iceland May 2023
Within the framework of the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (ESAYEP), funded by the EEA Grants – Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, the selection of participants for the following types of student mobility for the academic year 2023-2024 is organised:
Type Mobility No. of places Field of study Level of study Partner university Duration
of mobility
Duration of mobility
“Traineeship 1 (code 0788), 1
(years 1-4)
University of Iceland (UOI) School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
3 months 15.04.2023-14.04.2024
(code 0588)
(code 0588)
*Education fields
0788 Engineering, manufacturing, construction, interdisciplinary programmes
(Engineering, manufacturing and construction, inter-disciplinary programmes)
0588 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, interdisciplinary programmes
(Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, inter-disciplinary programmes)
The overall aim of this project is to strengthen international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of mechanical engineering, more specifically in the field of developing collaborative work on the reduction of air pollution and noise pollution through numerical and experimental simulations, as well as construction and alternative research in the field of bio-fuels with applications in turboshaft engines, between the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB-Romania) and the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland (UoI-Reykjavik).
The grant is a lump sum and consists of:
1200 Euro/month for subsistence
530 Euro – travel expenses.
Contents of the application file:
The student will submit to the faculty or online the EEA Student Application File, on the cover page of which are inscribed,
EEA scholarship application form
Faculty of …
Name and surname of the student
Student/Master/PhD, year of study (current) …
Date …
The file contains the following documents:
Application to the dean, indicating the type of mobility (STUDY/ TRAINEESHIP).
Academic record, including the average (P1) of the previous semesters of study of the corresponding study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat, except for doctoral students who will present the doctoral student certificate issued by the Doctoral School secretariat.
Presentation of professional-scientific activity, i.e. awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results in scientific events, projects, competitions, olympiads, etc., including from the period of high school studies, at local/UPB, national/international level.
Certificate of knowledge of an international language of communication or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages of UPB (a mark of at least 7 in English is also acceptable) or by an authorised institution. The level of proficiency in that language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (not required for AIRNAV students).
Cover letter (written in English).
EUROPASS CV (written in English).
Copy of Identity Card.
Selection criteria:
Academic results – 20% of the score;
Cover letter – 20% of the points (Maximum half a page or 250 words);
Interview to assess attitude towards the possible mobility experience – 40% of the points;
English language skills, relevant for a quality mobility (knowledge of the language of the host country will be considered an advantage) – 20% of the points.
Selection timetable:
Deadline for submission of applications: : 05.05.2023, 12.00 noon.
Applications must be submitted
electronically to the e-mail address or
physically at the Faculty Secretariat
Candidates interview: 08. 05.2023 , 12 noon, Dean’s Office;
Results posted: 08. 05.2023, after 16.00;
Submission of appeals: 09.05.2023, between 10.00-14.00
Appeals must be submitted
electronically to the e-mail address or
physically at the Faculty Secretariat
Display of final results (online): 09.05.2023 (after 20.00).
Results will be published on the website
Erasmus selection results october 2021
No. for display | Mobility | Accepted/ Rejected |
1864 | Study | Admitted |
1946 | Placement | Admitted |
2497 | Placement | Admitted |
2591 | Study + Placement | Absent |
2876 | Study | Absent |
2947 | Study | Admitted |
3258 | Placement | Admitted |
3284 | Placement | Admitted |
4623 | Placement | Admitted |
4870 | Study | Admitted |
4923 | Study | Admitted |
5164 | Study | Absent |
5438 | Placement | Admitted |
6438 | Study | Rejected |
6789 | Study | Admitted |
6972 | Study | Rejected |
9548 | Placement | Admitted |
9823 | Plasament | Admis |
The candidate files will have the content according to Article 27 of the Regulation (online submission inginerie.aerospatiala@
The student will submit online:
1. On-call page of the Erasmus+ student candidate file:
Erasmus+ student application
Student (Name and surname)
Student / Master / PhD student, year of study (current) …
Erasmus code of the partner university…
2. The file shall contain the following documents:
Application for registration to the competition addressed to the dean, stating the type of mobility according to Art. 4 and Art. 9. of the Regulation (learning mobility; placement mobility (practice / internship); study mobility and placement).
The school situation, including the average (M) of the study semesters prior to the related study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat (online request,except for the
Presentation of the professional-scientific activity, respectively awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results at scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including from the period of high school studies, of local / UPB level, national / international.
Certificate of knowledge of an international communication language or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages from UPB or by a competent institution. The level of knowledge of the respective language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Motivation Letter (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German).
Curriculum Vitae Model EUROPASS (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German).
Copy of the Identity Card.
The selection of candidates for the Erasmus+ Student status is based on the RESULTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL-SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY AND THE SELECTION INTERVIEW.
About the ERASMUS+ programme you can also find more information at the following addresses:
For the information session, you can access the chat on Teams from 11.10.2020 from 10:00 to 16.10.2020 at 16:00. Please ask your questions about this programme during the information session period because the interview for “Selection of candidates for Erasmus+ Student status” is dedicated to the committee’s questions to the candidates.
Selection results
Learning mobility | Placement mobility | ||||
Nr. | Student | Nr. | Student | ||
1 | Aluaş Răzvan Teodor | ADMITTED | 1 | Bocu Ştefania-Denisa | ADMITTED |
2 | Androne Ioana | ADMITTED | 2 | Dragan Andreea-Clara | ADMITTED |
3 | Bîrcă Daniela | ADMITTED | 3 | Ilinca Dragos | ADMITTED |
4 | Bocu Ştefania-Denisa | ADMITTED | 4 | Mosor Teodora | ADMITTED |
5 | Bogdanovici Theodor-Cosmin | ADMITTED | 5 | Popa Andrei | ADMITTED |
6 | Stump-Jeremiah Matei-Costin | ADMITTED | 6 | Rusen David | ADMITTED |
7 | Câlmâc Andrei Cristian | ADMITTED | 7 | Stănescu Andreea | ADMITTED |
8 | Catana Roxana-Teodora | ADMITTED | 8 | Stoian-Aniţoaiei Daiana-Viorela | ADMITTED |
9 | Ciornea Ilinca-Maria | ADMITTED | 9 | Thomas Alexandra | ADMITTED |
10 | Constantin Anca Miruna | ADMITTED | |||
11 | Cotinghiu Sebastian-Ionut | ADMITTED | |||
12 | Crişan Alexa-Andreea | ADMITTED | |||
13 | Fetcaş Ioana-Nuria | ADMITTED | |||
14 | Mosor Teodora | ADMITTED | |||
15 | Neacşu Razvan Andrei | ADMITTED | |||
16 | Pătru Andrei-Tudor | ADMITTED | |||
17 | Petre Georgiana | ADMITTED | |||
18 | Popa Andrei | ADMITTED | |||
19 | Postelnicu Teodora Roxana | RESERVE | |||
20 | Radu Ana-Maria | ADMITTED | |||
21 | Scarlet fever Alexandra | ADMITTED | |||
22 | Andrew States | ADMITTED | |||
23 | Stoian-Aniţoaiei Daiana-Viorela | ADMITTED | |||
24 | Stoica Andrei-Dan | ADMITTED | |||
25 | Toma Emilia-Gabriela | ADMITTED | |||
26 | Ţulgulschi Ion | ADMITTED | |||
RETIRED | |||||
1 | Chelemen Dennis Stefan |
ERASMUS+ SELECTION CONTEST 2021/2022 – MARCH STUDY MOBILITIES (SEMESTER I +II) AND PLACEMENT MOBILITIES For registration for the competition, the candidates will submit online at the address: between 07.03 – 19.03.2021 at 16:00 the candidate file for the erasmus+ student status. For the information session, you can access the chat on Teams (Link to the information session) starting with 02.03.2021 at 10:00 am until 07.03.2021 at 16:00. Please ask your questions about this programme during the information session period because the interview for “Selection of candidates for Erasmus+ Student status” is dedicated to the questions of the committee addressed to the candidates. Link for the information session: The selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobilities will take place on 25.03.2020 at 16:00 through the Teams platform, according to the information and regulations displayed on the UPB website at: The candidate files will have the content according to article 27 of the Regulation (online submission or The student will submit online:
- On-call page of the Erasmus+ student candidate file:
Faculty of AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Candidate file for erasmus+ student status Student (Name and surname) Student / Master student / PhD student, year of study (current) … Erasmus code of the partner university… Date…
- The file shall contain the following documents:
Application for registration to the competition addressed to the dean, stating the type of mobility according to Art. 4 and Art. 9. of the Regulation (learning mobility; placement mobility (practice / internship); study mobility and placement). The school situation, including the average (M) of the study semesters prior to the related study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat (online request,except for the PhD students who will present the PhD student certificate issued by the secretariat of the Doctoral School. A presentation of the professional-scientific activity, namely: awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results at scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including during high school studies, of local / UPB level, national / international. Certificate of knowledge of an international communication language or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages from UPB or by a competent institution. The level of knowledge of the respective language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Data for the organization of language tests by the Department of Foreign Languages UPB. THE PROPOSED DATES FOR TESTING FOREIGN LANGUAGES – ERASMUS STUDENTS – SESSION MARCH 2021
Category: Spanish: German: French: English: Motivation Letter (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Curriculum Vitae model EUROPASS (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Copy of the Identity Card. The selection of candidates for the Erasmus+ Student status is based on the RESULTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL-SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY AND THE SELECTION INTERVIEW. About the ERASMUS+ programme you can also find more information at the following addresses:
Selection results
A – admitted / R – rejected
No crt. | Student | Mobility | |
1 | Dragan E. Andreea-Clara | Study | A |
2 | Martin C. Mihnea Ştefan | Study | A |
3 | Mound D.C. George Daniel | Study | A |
4 | Pătrăcescu C. Ana Andreea | Study | A |
5 | Radu F. Ana Maria | Study | A |
6 | Stoica C. Ana Maria | Study | A |
7 | Voroneanu D. Teodora | Study | A |
Ineligible | |||
1 | Godoroja A. Cristian Vladimir | Study | R |
No crt. | Student | Mobility | |
1 | Adochiţei F. Vladuţ Andrei | Placement | A |
2 | Bălăucă D.D. Ionuţ-Iulian | Placement | A |
3 | Bouariu V. Ştefan | Placement | A |
4 | Conschi A.C. Ionuţ Mihai | Placement | A |
5 | Grecu C. G. Andreea Teodora | Placement | A |
6 | Ionescu L. Vlad | Placement | A |
7 | Manolache M. Bianca Andreea | Placement | A |
8 | Mehedin D. B. Bogdan Mihai | Placement | A |
9 | Miron G. Ionuţ Robert | Placement | A |
10 | Năstasie B.D. Ştefania | Placement | A |
11 | Panaitescu G. Anastasia Andreea | Placement | A |
12 | Pătrăcescu C. Ana Andreea | Placement | A |
13 | Popescu Boboc E.D. Mary | Placement | A |
14 | Radu F. Ana Maria | Placement | A |
15 | Şerban I. Andrei | Placement | A |
16 | Vajas I. Andreea Ştefania | Placement | A |
Ineligible | |||
1 | David I. Matthew-John | Placement | R |
Students interested in obtaining a linguistic certificate for an international language (English, French, German, Spanish) can register on Moodle here:
You can self-enroll in these tests, based on the UPB institutional account. The tests can be held at a date/time set on Moodle, as follows: English: Oct 22, 12-14; German language: Oct 22, 14-16; French: Oct 23, 15-17; Spanish: Oct 23, 17-19.
The linguist certificate is a component document of the selection file and of the financing one, we invite you to participate in the test free of charge in order to obtain it if you do not already have one.
The certificate issued by the Modern Languages Department of FILS can be used only within the ERASMUS+ program in UPB.
- On-call page of the Erasmus+ student candidate file:
Faculty of AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Candidate file for erasmus+ student status Student (Name and surname) Student / Master student / PhD student, year of study (current) … Erasmus code of the partner university… Date…
- The file shall contain the following documents:
Application for registration to the competition addressed to the dean, stating the type of mobility according to Art. 4 and Art. 9. of the Regulation (learning mobility; placement mobility (practice / internship); study mobility and placement). The school situation, including the average (M) of the study semesters prior to the related study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat (online request,except for the PhD students who will present the PhD student certificate issued by the secretariat of the Doctoral School. Presentation of the professional-scientific activity, namely: awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results at scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including during high school studies, of local / UPB level, national / international. Certificate of knowledge of an international communication language or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages from UPB or by a competent institution. The level of knowledge of the respective language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Motivation Letter (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Curriculum Vitae model EUROPASS (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Copy of the Identity Card. The selection of candidates for the Erasmus+ Student status is based on the RESULTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL-SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY AND THE SELECTION INTERVIEW. You can also find more information about the ERASMUS+ programme at:
Selection board for candidates for Erasmus+ student status for mobility:
assoc. prof. Daniel Crunţeanu
assoc. prof. Florin Frunzulică
assoc. prof. Nicoleta Pascu
The results of the selection here
The interview for the ERASMUS competition will take place on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., on the Microsoft Teams platform. SUCCESS!

- recognition and validation of competencies and qualifications;
- dissemination and exploitation of project results; open access to teaching materials, documents and media tools created within the program;
- the international dimension (cooperation with partner countries in the field of higher education and sport);
- multiligvism; equity and inclusion;
- protection and safety of participants.
27 October 2019 The interview for the ERASMUS competition will take place on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 13-15, at the faculty secretariat. Oct. 31, 2019 The results of Wednesday’s interview are here.
ERASMUS students 2019-2020, sem. I and II Selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobilities (study or placement type or study and placement, cf. art. 9 of the regulation) of the academic year 2019-2020 takes place between 20.03.2019-27.03.2019 and will be carried out according to the information and regulation displayed on the UPB website at <Concurs erasmus=””>l</Concurs> and <Regulament mobilități=”” erasmus=””></Regulament> at the same time as well as on the website and on the notice board of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The submission of the candidate files is made at the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, between 20.03.2019 – 22/03/2018, at the counters intended for working with students and during the displayed program (including Friday 22/03/2019, 12-14 hours). The candidate files will be submitted and will have the content according to Article 27 of the Regulation. The interview will take place on Tuesday, 26/03/2019 (room and time will be announced on 25/03/2019) and the results will be displayed on the faculty notice board until 27/03/2019. On Friday 22/03/2019, 14-15, room I013 will be held an information session for candidates. The submission of the files is made to the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, until 20/03/2018.
ERASMUS students 2018-2019, sem. II Selection competition for ERASMUS+ mobilities (study or placement type or study and placement, cf. art. 9 of the Regulation) of the academic year 2018-2019 takes place between 16.10.2018-31.10.2018 and will be carried out according to the information and regulation displayed on the UPB website at and (see the document Regulation on erasmus+ mobility of students, master’s and doctoral students from UPB in the academic year 2018 – 2019, > ERASMUS+ > ERASMUS+ 2018 – 2019) and on the website and on the notice board of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. <Regulament erasmus=””>l</Regulament> The submission of the candidate files is made at the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, between 17.10.2018 – 29/10/2018, at the counters intended for working with students and during the displayed program. The candidate files will be submitted and will have the content according to Article 27 of the Regulation. The interview will take place on Wednesday, 31/10/2018 Secretariat at 14.00 and the results will be displayed on the faculty notice board. On Friday 19/10/2018, 14-15, room I013, an information session will be held for candidates.
Additional Placement Scholarships 2018
ERASMUS students 2018-2019, sem. I and II A new selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobilities (study or placement) for the academic year 2018-2019, semesters I and II, takes place between 12/03/2018-20/03/2018 and will be held according to the regulation displayed at <Regulament erasmus=””>l</Regulament> The submission of the files is made at the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, until 20/03/2018.
The contest will take place on Friday, 23/03/2018 at 12 noon at the Secretariat.
The previously announced date (Thursday 22) could not be kept for reasons beyond our control (a Senate meeting intervened).
ERASMUS+ SELECTION CONTEST 2021/2022 – MARCH STUDY MOBILITIES (SEMESTER I +II) AND PLACEMENT MOBILITIES For registration for the competition, the candidates will submit online at the address: between 07.03 – 19.03.2021 at 16:00 the candidate file for the erasmus+ student status. For the information session, you can access the chat on Teams (Link to the information session) starting with 02.03.2021 at 10:00 am until 07.03.2021 at 16:00. Please ask your questions about this programme during the information session period because the interview for “Selection of candidates for Erasmus+ Student status” is dedicated to the questions of the committee addressed to the candidates. Link for the information session: The selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobilities will take place on 25.03.2020 at 16:00 through the Teams platform, according to the information and regulations displayed on the UPB website at: The candidate files will have the content according to article 27 of the Regulation (online submission or The student will submit online:
- On-call page of the Erasmus+ student candidate file:
Faculty of AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Candidate file for erasmus+ student status Student (Name and surname) Student / Master student / PhD student, year of study (current) … Erasmus code of the partner university… Date…
- The file shall contain the following documents:
Application for registration to the competition addressed to the dean, stating the type of mobility according to Art. 4 and Art. 9. of the Regulation (learning mobility; placement mobility (practice / internship); study mobility and placement). The school situation, including the average (M) of the study semesters prior to the related study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat (online request,except for the PhD students who will present the PhD student certificate issued by the secretariat of the Doctoral School. A presentation of the professional-scientific activity, namely: awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results at scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including during high school studies, of local / UPB level, national / international. Certificate of knowledge of an international communication language or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages from UPB or by a competent institution. The level of knowledge of the respective language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Data for the organization of language tests by the Department of Foreign Languages UPB. THE PROPOSED DATES FOR TESTING FOREIGN LANGUAGES – ERASMUS STUDENTS – SESSION MARCH 2021
Category: Spanish: German: French: English: Motivation Letter (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Curriculum Vitae model EUROPASS (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Copy of the Identity Card. The selection of candidates for the Erasmus+ Student status is based on the RESULTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL-SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY AND THE SELECTION INTERVIEW. About the ERASMUS+ programme you can also find more information at the following addresses:
Selection results
A – admitted / R – rejected
No crt. | Student | Mobility | |
1 | Dragan E. Andreea-Clara | Study | A |
2 | Martin C. Mihnea Ştefan | Study | A |
3 | Mound D.C. George Daniel | Study | A |
4 | Pătrăcescu C. Ana Andreea | Study | A |
5 | Radu F. Ana Maria | Study | A |
6 | Stoica C. Ana Maria | Study | A |
7 | Voroneanu D. Teodora | Study | A |
Ineligible | |||
1 | Godoroja A. Cristian Vladimir | Study | R |
No crt. | Student | Mobility | |
1 | Adochiţei F. Vladuţ Andrei | Placement | A |
2 | Bălăucă D.D. Ionuţ-Iulian | Placement | A |
3 | Bouariu V. Ştefan | Placement | A |
4 | Conschi A.C. Ionuţ Mihai | Placement | A |
5 | Grecu C. G. Andreea Teodora | Placement | A |
6 | Ionescu L. Vlad | Placement | A |
7 | Manolache M. Bianca Andreea | Placement | A |
8 | Mehedin D. B. Bogdan Mihai | Placement | A |
9 | Miron G. Ionuţ Robert | Placement | A |
10 | Năstasie B.D. Ştefania | Placement | A |
11 | Panaitescu G. Anastasia Andreea | Placement | A |
12 | Pătrăcescu C. Ana Andreea | Placement | A |
13 | Popescu Boboc E.D. Mary | Placement | A |
14 | Radu F. Ana Maria | Placement | A |
15 | Şerban I. Andrei | Placement | A |
16 | Vajas I. Andreea Ştefania | Placement | A |
Ineligible | |||
1 | David I. Matthew-John | Placement | R |
Students interested in obtaining a linguistic certificate for an international language (English, French, German, Spanish) can register on Moodle here:
You can self-enroll in these tests, based on the UPB institutional account. The tests can be held at a date/time set on Moodle, as follows: English: Oct 22, 12-14; German language: Oct 22, 14-16; French: Oct 23, 15-17; Spanish: Oct 23, 17-19.
The linguist certificate is a component document of the selection file and of the financing one, we invite you to participate in the test free of charge in order to obtain it if you do not already have one.
The certificate issued by the Modern Languages Department of FILS can be used only within the ERASMUS+ program in UPB.
- On-call page of the Erasmus+ student candidate file:
Faculty of AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Candidate file for erasmus+ student status Student (Name and surname) Student / Master student / PhD student, year of study (current) … Erasmus code of the partner university… Date…
- The file shall contain the following documents:
Application for registration to the competition addressed to the dean, stating the type of mobility according to Art. 4 and Art. 9. of the Regulation (learning mobility; placement mobility (practice / internship); study mobility and placement). The school situation, including the average (M) of the study semesters prior to the related study cycle, requested from the faculty secretariat (online request,except for the PhD students who will present the PhD student certificate issued by the secretariat of the Doctoral School. Presentation of the professional-scientific activity, namely: awards, diplomas, innovations or other relevant results at scientific events, projects, competitions, Olympiads, etc., including during high school studies, of local / UPB level, national / international. Certificate of knowledge of an international communication language or of the official language of the host country, issued by the Department of Modern Languages from UPB or by a competent institution. The level of knowledge of the respective language must be at least B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Motivation Letter (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Curriculum Vitae model EUROPASS (ATTENTION!!! typed in English, French or German). Copy of the Identity Card. The selection of candidates for the Erasmus+ Student status is based on the RESULTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL-SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY AND THE SELECTION INTERVIEW. You can also find more information about the ERASMUS+ programme at:
Selection board for candidates for Erasmus+ student status for mobility:
assoc. prof. Daniel Crunţeanu
assoc. prof. Florin Frunzulică
assoc. prof. Nicoleta Pascu
The results of the selection here
The interview for the ERASMUS competition will take place on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., on the Microsoft Teams platform. SUCCESS!

- recognition and validation of competencies and qualifications;
- dissemination and exploitation of project results; open access to teaching materials, documents and media tools created within the program;
- the international dimension (cooperation with partner countries in the field of higher education and sport);
- multiligvism; equity and inclusion;
- protection and safety of participants.
27 October 2019 The interview for the ERASMUS competition will take place on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 13-15, at the faculty secretariat. Oct. 31, 2019 The results of Wednesday’s interview are here.
ERASMUS students 2019-2020, sem. I and II Selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobilities (study or placement type or study and placement, cf. art. 9 of the regulation) of the academic year 2019-2020 takes place between 20.03.2019-27.03.2019 and will be carried out according to the information and regulation displayed on the UPB website at <Concurs erasmus=””>l</Concurs> and <Regulament mobilități=”” erasmus=””></Regulament> at the same time as well as on the website and on the notice board of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The submission of the candidate files is made at the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, between 20.03.2019 – 22/03/2018, at the counters intended for working with students and during the displayed program (including Friday 22/03/2019, 12-14 hours). The candidate files will be submitted and will have the content according to Article 27 of the Regulation. The interview will take place on Tuesday, 26/03/2019 (room and time will be announced on 25/03/2019) and the results will be displayed on the faculty notice board until 27/03/2019. On Friday 22/03/2019, 14-15, room I013 will be held an information session for candidates. The submission of the files is made to the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, until 20/03/2018.
ERASMUS students 2018-2019, sem. II Selection competition for ERASMUS+ mobilities (study or placement type or study and placement, cf. art. 9 of the Regulation) of the academic year 2018-2019 takes place between 16.10.2018-31.10.2018 and will be carried out according to the information and regulation displayed on the UPB website at and (see the document Regulation on erasmus+ mobility of students, master’s and doctoral students from UPB in the academic year 2018 – 2019, > ERASMUS+ > ERASMUS+ 2018 – 2019) and on the website and on the notice board of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. <Regulament erasmus=””>l</Regulament> The submission of the candidate files is made at the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, between 17.10.2018 – 29/10/2018, at the counters intended for working with students and during the displayed program. The candidate files will be submitted and will have the content according to Article 27 of the Regulation. The interview will take place on Wednesday, 31/10/2018 Secretariat at 14.00 and the results will be displayed on the faculty notice board. On Friday 19/10/2018, 14-15, room I013, an information session will be held for candidates.
Additional Placement Scholarships 2018
ERASMUS students 2018-2019, sem. I and II A new selection contest for ERASMUS+ mobilities (study or placement) for the academic year 2018-2019, semesters I and II, takes place between 12/03/2018-20/03/2018 and will be held according to the regulation displayed at <Regulament erasmus=””>l</Regulament> The submission of the files is made at the Secretariat of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, until 20/03/2018.
The contest will take place on Friday, 23/03/2018 at 12 noon at the Secretariat.
The previously announced date (Thursday 22) could not be kept for reasons beyond our control (a Senate meeting intervened).
COMOTI technical visit
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering kicked off this academic year's series of technical visits with a remarkable experience at the National Research-Development Institute for Turbomotors - COMOTI. The visit included presentations of innovative laboratory projects and...
Polijobs 2024
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering was present at the 2024 edition of the POLIJobs career fair. The event, organized annually, is a valuable opportunity for students and graduates to interact directly with employers from various technical fields, including aerospace.
Robofest 2024
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering was present at ROBOFEST 2024 with its own stand, where we had the opportunity to present to the general public our projects, applications of aerospace technologies and educational opportunities offered by our faculty. Attending...
Visiting students at university
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering had the pleasure of hosting the visit of students from the "Carol I" Fetești Theoretical High School, giving them the opportunity to discover the fascinating world of aerospace engineering. During the visit, the students had the...
Student Scientific Communication Session 2024
We invite you to participate in the "Student Scientific Communications Session" that will take place on May 10. To participate, you need to register by 18 April, 14:00, by sending an e-mail to If you have a mentor teacher, you will need to send...
On March 2, 2024 AeroConnectMeetings, an event dedicated to Aerospace Engineering where students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering had the opportunity to interact with leading...
Students interested in drones are invited to join the new created EELISA community for Flight Tests and Experimental Models in cooperation with Istanbul Technical University. First intended action is an international contest for drones. More details will be available...
Extension of the deadline for submitting scholarship files
Following the B.E.F. from 13.10.2021 it was approved the extension of the period for submitting the files for scholarships until 20.10.2021, at 16:00.
License / dissertation assignment guide
<< Guide for assigning homework for the 2021 diploma exam >> << Guide to allocate research topics 2021 >>