On 6 June 2019 at the Air and Space Museum of Paris Le Bourget, the students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering gathered in the ASAIA team have won the prestigious Dassault Aviation Prize, awarded by the European Astronautic Club, with support from Airbus, European Space Agency, Dassault Aviation, GIFAS, Airbus Safran Launchers and Thales. The team of our faculty consists of Ionuț Bunescu, Adrian Dina, Sarif Omar, Andra Manțighian and Alexandra Stăvărăscu. The team was coordinated by  Prof. dr. ing. Sterian Dănăilă, Head of the Elie Carafoli Aerospace Science Department.



The team was led by the Performance Scholar Ionuț Bunescu, Year 1 Master PAPM. Adrian Dina and Sarif Omar are in the same group. Andra Manțighian is Merit Scholar in the 4th Year, Aeronautical Constructions. Alexandra Stăvărăscu is 2nd Year Master students SAS, also Merit Scholar.

In the Student Aerospace Challenge, students from important aerospace engineering universities participated, such as ISAE Supaero, University of London, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid, University of Warsaw, University of Liverpool, University of Patras and others. The only other participant from Romania was from Univ. Dunărea de Jos of Galați.

Rector Mihnea Costoiu congratulated the faculty for this prize and said that “such awards, won in competition with great European universities are an incontestable recognition of the tradition of the Romanian school of aerospace engineering”.

The Dean made the following statement:

”The University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering students, Ionuț Bunescu, Adrian Dina, Sarif Omar, Andra Manțighian and Alexandra Stăvărăscu won the Dassault Aviation Prize 2019, awarded on 6 June 2019 at the Museum of Air and Space of Paris, Le Bourget. In the Student Aerospace Challenge, established European university centers participated with their aerospace students, from countries like Spain, France, United Kingdom, Poland, Russian Federation and Greece. This prize is a reward for our students’ passion and creativity, but also for the performance and the tradition of the Romanian school of aerospace engineering.

In 2017, at our first participation, our students also got the Airbus Safran Launchers Prize.”


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