The German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD – offers for the UY 2018/19 the following scholarships for faculty staff, doctoral students, graduates and students (the programs are both in German and in English):
As a novelty there are two deadlines for the majority of programs for young researchers 15/11/2017 and 01/05/2018.
The deadline for registrations is 15 November 2017 (for the summer courses the deadline is 1 December 2017).
Presentations for these scholarship opportunities are delivered at the following dates:
· Tuesday, 24/10/2017 6 pm Room JA 102 Campus Noul Local
· Friday, 27/10/2017 5 pm Room JA 102
(French German Media Library)
Mori information may be requested at
DAAD-Lektorin / DAAD LecturerUniversität Politehnica Bukarest
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti
Facultatea de Inginerie in Limbi Straine (FILS)
Fakultät für Ingenieurwesen in Fremdsprachen (FILS)
Splaiul Independetiei 313, Sector 6
RO-060042 Bucuresti
Objective Function for 4D Trajectory Optimization in Trajectory Based Operations
Octavian Thor Pleter and Cristian Emil Constantinescu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 060042 Bucharest, Romania and Irina Beatrice Stefanescu, Romanian Space Agency, 010362 Bucharest, Romania Abstract: In the future ATM implementations based on 4D...
Romanian Civil Aviation Authority
The Romanian Civil Aviation Authority (RCAA) and the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (UPB-FAE) signed a protocol on 13 December 2008, with the duration of one year, which extends automatically if the agreement is not broken...
The Romanian Administration of Air Traffic Services ROMATSA and the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering have signed on 13 August 2008 a cooperation protocol for 12 years, a strategic partnership to harmonize the programs of...