Catia Lab is the laboratory by which UPB – Aerospace Engineering Faculty and ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest (GECI Engineering Services) lay the foundations of the next generation of aircraft design engineers.
We invite all interested students wishing to learn more about CATIA to join this optional course held by Mr. Fernando Petre, member of CATIA Champions Program of Dassault Systèmes, with over 35 years experience in aerospace design.

The course in the first Semester has been successful, and we organize a new program in the 2nd Semester.

We will organize a group of 24 students. Only students of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering are eligible. Applications are expected at until Sunday 10 Feb 2019 and will include student’s full name, group and motivation, degree of involvement and expectations from the course. If demand will exceed capacity, students with a clean academic record or with few resits will be preferred, also the personal involvement in the field of the course, as well as the expedience of the application. There is no mutual incompatibility with Fokker Academy, students may attend both.

The course will start on Fri 22 Feb 10 am in Room Polizu G2 and will last for 12 weeks, approximately 4 hrs weekly. Participants who get results will get a diploma, as in the 1st Semester.




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