Bachelor Admissions
2020 Admission details will be provided here soon
Meanwhile, check the Official UPB Admission site
Final Results 2019
We apologize to candidates who were not able to access this server!
A Denial of Service attack prevented access. If it will happen again, all admission info are on display at the Faculty Office.
Second Admission Session
The session to occupy vacant places (July-September) is open in the days of Friday 26th, Monday 29th, Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st of July, and 9th, 10th and 11th of September 2019, 9 am – 1 pm at the Faculty Office. We will display every day the status with occupancy of vacant places.
After the first day (26 July) there are 8 places left with tuition fee (IA.X).
After the second day (29 July) there are 7 places left with tuition fee (IA.X).
After the third day (30 July) there are 5 places left with tuition fee (IA.X).
After the fourth day (31 July) there are 3 places left with tuition fee (IA.X).
Final Results Session July 2019
Out of 220 candidates admitted without fee, 215 enrolled. On the 5 vacant places, 5 candidates with fee promoted, in the order of the grades (4 to IA and 1 to IAen). Out of 40 candidates with fee, 31 enrolled, with 9 places remaining with fee (IA.X). For the rural high schools candidates, 1 place was occupied by enrollment and 5 more are available (4 at IA and 1 at IAen). Romanians from everywhere there are 17 candidates admitted in principle, their files are in progress with the International Students Office. We will list them as soon as the procedure is complete.
Results Admissions July 2019 Stage I
After Stage I admissions, the following places were occupied: 220 out of 220 at AE without fee, 40 of 40 AE with fee, 1 out of 6 Rural High Schools. We have 5 places left for Rural High Schools graduates.
<Rejected above the minimum July 2019>
Important regarding the Contest 22-23 July 2019
Contest Results are visible online on with PIN of candidate. The lists will be on display at the Faculty office in the morning of 24 July 2019 and are also accessible above.
Admitted candidates are asked to enroll at the Faculty Office on Wednesday 24 or Thursday 25 July 2019, 8 am – 6 pm, otherwise the places will be vacated. Other candidates will slide up on them, those admitted with fee will progress to the places without fee vacated this way. For the places with fee, we would organize a Second Stage of Admissions if needed. Rejected candidates are asked to retrieve their files. Candidates rejected above the minimum may enroll in those faculties where their second options redistributed them. Candidates rejected above minimum who did not pick options for other faculties may apply with this grade to any UPB faculty with remaining places in the 2nd Stage.
The Contest will take place in Polizu Campus in the Rooms on display and on the Admissions UPB site. Candidates must show up at 9 am with ID, Contest ID, writing tools and a bottle of water (water will be supplied in the rooms). From the moment of opening the envelopes with the subjects (at 10 am) no candidate will be allowed in the room. Mobile phones, calculators or other electronic devices are not allowed!
We apologize to the parents / accompanying persons that we do not allow their access on the premises during the contest! This is in the interest of the contest security.
Results of the English Test 19 July 2019
Candidates who failed the test are expected to compete for the programs of studies in Romanian. The reason for this selection is the interest of the future students to avoid the trouble to study in a foreign language which they do not manage well enough.
Applications 15-20 July 2019 between 9 am – 4 pm at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Office in Polizu Campus Building A ground floor
Admission contest 22 an 23 July 2019 from 10 am – candidates for studies in English will take a language proficiency test on 19 July at the Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages.
Number of Places 2019
In 2019 the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering offers 220 places without tuition fee at undergraduate level. Additionally, 40 places with tuition fee are on offer. These are distributed as follows:
IA – 180 places w/o fee for studies in Romanian, programs of studies CA, SP, EIA, IMA, DA, and additionally 5 places reserved for graduates of rural high schools.
IA.x – 28 places with fee for studies in Romanian, programs of studies CA, SP, EIA, IMA, DA
IAen – 40 places w/o fee for studies in English, program of studies NA, and additionally 1 place reserved for graduates of rural high schools.
IAen.x – 12 places with fee for studies in English, program of studies NA
We recommend to the candidates to opt for ”with fee” too, even if they do not want to pay a tuition fee. Why? Because if the candidates do not succeed initially to catch one of the 220 tuition free places, if the ”with tax” option is not selected, they will be irreversibly redistributed to other faculties. If the option is there, they will be kept in the list of our faculty. From our past experience, 5 to 10% of the candidates initially admitted withdraw and the ”with tax” list automatically promotes to the ”tax free” zone, within the number of these freed places.
The graduates of rural high schools compete separately from the rest of the candidates. A minimal grade of 5.00 secures a place without tax for them, out of the 220, on the reserved places listed above.
Also, Romanians from everywhere benefit from a number of additional places without tax, and without tax and a scholarship, respectively. Please, see the International Students page for the methodology.
Where? (Faculty address)
We are waiting for you during the registration period at the Polizu Campus, 1-7 Gh. Polizu street, near Gara de Nord (Northern Railway Station).

Facultatea de Inginerie Aerospataia
Free Accommodation for Candidates and Parents (Accompanying Persons)
During the admission contest until enrollment (including the enrollment day), the University Politehnica of Bucharest offers free accommodation of the candidates outside Bucharest, together with their parents or accompanying persons in the Regie Campus buildings. Details on registration of candidates at the Faculty Office (that can be done only in persona).
Test and options for the English language program (IAen)
Candidates for the Bachelor’s degree program in English must take a language competence test on 19 July 2019 in “Noul Local” campus, Spl. Independence 313 (near Rectorate), room BN304 between 9: 00-14: 00.
Candidates who hold certificates of linguistic competence equivalent with B2 obtained in the last 2 years shall be presented with the original certificate. The following certificates are considered equivalent:
- IELTS – minimum 6.00;
- FCE (First Certificate) – A and B;
- CAE (Cambridge Advanced);
- CPE (Cambridge Proficiency);
- TOEFL IBT (Internet Based Test) – minimum 72;
- TOEFL Paper – minimum 550;
- TOEFL Computer- minimum 213.
The test results will be displayed on this site on July 19th and will be of the Admitted / Rejected type. Candidates rejected for English language options (IAen and IAen.X) can take the admission contest for Romanian language (IA and IA.X) respectively. To do this, we strongly advise that candidates to choose their options in the following order:
- Candidates wishing to study in Romanian: IA, IA.X etc. (other faculties)
- Candidates who want to study in English (budgetary), but if they do not obtain a budgetary place, they prefer to go to the Romanian (budgetary): IAen, IA, IAen.X, IA.X etc.
- Candidates wishing to study in English with or without a fee: IAen, IAen.X, IA, IA.X etc.
Attention! The last opportunity to opt for an English language program (IAen and IAen.X) is on July 18! In the two remaining days (19 and 20 July), only candidates wishing to study in Romanian can apply.
Payment of the Undergraduate Admission Fee
- On the page, with any card
- Multifunctional ATMs BCR (including the BCR Politehnica Agency) – cash or BCR card, daily from 9 to 5
- BCR24Banking -online in the account: Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti IBAN: RO42RNCB0723000506250270,
CUI 4183199
- Cash, at the BRD desk (inside BRD Politehnica Agency)
daily from 10 am to 8 pm
- Cash, at the Faculty Office
What papers should I bring? (Required documents)
(Extract from the Regulation on the Organization and Conducting of the UPB Admissions Contest 2019, page 12):
- an envelope type file;
- three identity card photos;
- the baccalaureate diploma or diploma equivalent to it; Candidates who passed the baccalaureate exam in the June-July or August-September 2019 sessions may use, (instead of the baccalaureate diploma), the certificate issued by the high school, mentioning both the general average of the baccalaureate and the grades obtained during high school. By exception, for candidates who passed the baccalaureate exam in years 2018-2019 and based on their written agreement, U.P.B. can interconnect with the Integrated Education System of Romania (SIIR) in order to take personal data and the results obtained in their baccalaureate, in which case the certificate issued by the high school is no longer required;
- the birth certificate, either as a certified copy or a normal copy and the original (can be legalized by the faculty);
- a medical certificate that shows that he / she is fit for the field of study he / she is applying for;
- the receipt of the registration fee for the admission contest, obtained from the secretariat of the faculty (the candidates exempt from this fee are obviously exempt);
- proofs (legalized copies of the parents’ death certificates for orphan candidates, certificates from the placement centers in the case of candidates coming from a placement center, certificates showing the employment status of parents or legal supporters, last month’s parental coupons, certificates attesting the status of unemployed parents, income statements issued by Village / Town Hall where the parents live, etc.), on the basis of which an exemption of registration fee can be approved. These proofs will be attached to the registration form only by candidates requesting such an exemption;
- a certificate stating that they have studied the subjects in the language in which they require support of the respective contest tests (only for candidates requesting languages other than Romanian).
For Air Navigation specialization only:
- Certificate of linguistic competence equivalent to B2 level within validity (last 2 years). In the absence of this, candidates will take an English exam after the results of the two examinations are communicated. The following certificates are considered equivalent:
- IELTS – minimum 6.00
- FCE (First Certificate) – A and B
- CAE (Cambridge Advanced)
- CPE (Cambridge Proficiency)
- TOEFL IBT (Internet Based Test) – minimum 72
- TOEFL Paper – minimum 550
- TOEFL Computer- minimum 213
- IELTS – minimum 6.00
Only if applicable (second faculty, interruptions, …):
- a certificate from which to result the student status and the study regime (with or without fee), for those who renounce to further studies or enroll in the competition to pursue another field of study. Only the students with no failed exams at the end of the 2018/2019 summer exams session can participate in the admission contest to attend two study fields at the same time. In this case, the baccalaureate diploma or equivalent diploma will be presented in a legalized copy (the original remaining at the first faculty);
- certificate (s) showing the period (s) in which the students were studying and the status (with or without fee) for candidates who have dropped out of their studies in state higher education institutions;
- a certificate from which to show the quality of a student of a private higher education institution specifying the field of study to be accredited or authorized for students enrolling in the same field. In this case the baccalaureate diploma or equivalent diploma will be presented in a legalized copy (the original remaining at the first faculty);
- certificate showing the status of a graduate without a bachelor’s degree or graduation diploma of a state or private higher education institution, specifying the arrangements for the studies (with or without fee) for graduates who wish to follow another field of study;
In order to enroll in the competition, the candidates must register in person to the faculty secretariat.
Pre-registration (2 April – 20 July 2019)
At this stage, candidates pre-register online – they register their personal details and their options. Thus, registration of candidates at the faculty secretariats will take less time, because the data will only be verified on the basis of the original documents.
Registration (15 – 20 July 2019)
At this stage the candidates have to personally presented with the necessary documents at the secretariats of the faculties they wish to register, between the hours 0900-1600. Candidates who opt for studies in English should register no later than 18 July, since the language proficiency test will take place on 19 July.
Do I have to sit exams?
Being a top faculty, FAE organizes admission based on an exam, but this does not have to scare you away. The purpose of the admission exam is not to “drop” the candidates but to make sure those admitted will meet the requirements of the domain.
The admission contest consists of two written tests, as follows:
- Algebra and Mathematical Analysis (Monday, July 22, 2019, 10 am, duration 2 hours)
- Physics (Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 10 am, duration 2 hours)
Results will be announced on Wednesday 24 July 2019.
The grading algorithm is quite simple: the overall average is formed with 20% of the BAC average and 80% of the average of the written tests (provided that it is over 5.00!). All you have to do is make sure you’re in the top 220!
On 19 July 2019, 9 am, at the Faculty of Engineering Studies in Foreign Languages (FILS), the candidates who choose Air Navigation will take an English language proficiency test, or submit an English language certificate Level B2 (advanced) to be used as an equivalent. The test ends with a selective result like Passed / Failed. Candidates should choose IA option after IAen in their registration, in order to secure the right to study in Romanian language in case of failure of the English test.
From 16 March 2019, candidates benefit from free courses delivered by UPB professors to prepare the admission test.
Who? (Conditions for participation)
- high school graduates with a baccalaureate diploma or an equivalent diploma;
- Romanian citizens and citizens of the Member States of the European Union, of the countries belonging to the European Economic Area and of the Swiss Confederation with baccalaureate diplomas obtained in the mentioned states, recognized by the higher education institutions, according to a list and methodologies approved by MEN. The latter may participate in the same conditions stipulated by the law for the Romanian citizens, including the levels of the tuition fees;
- Graduates of studies abroad who do not belong to the previous categories may take part in admissions based on the baccalaureate diploma recognized in accordance with the methodologies developed by the MEN. Upon admission to Romanian language teaching specializations, citizens of the European Union and third countries have the obligation to prove their knowledge of the Romanian language, according to the methodologies in their origin country, as the case may be.
The participation of the candidates in the admission contest is conditioned by their registration and by filling in a standard enrollment form. Each candidate will mention in the registration form, in the order of his / her preferences, the options of the fields and the study regime (budget or fee).
What are my options? (Available specializations)
The Air Navigation program starts separately in the 1st Year. The programs in Romanian have a common tuition up to the 3rd Year, when the students place their options for the desired program. The splitting of the students on programs is done at the beginning of the 3rd Year.
New! Free training offered by UPB to the 2019 admission contest candidates is starting on 16th of March
The subjects of the competition are MA difficulty level at Algebra and Mathematical Analysis Elements and FA level in Physics respectively (in Romanian):
- Topics for Mathematics: the BAC M1 Maths-Computer Science curriculum
- Topics for Physics: Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electricity
Subjects given in contests of previous years (in Romanian):
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2018 (Rezolvări Algebră 2018) Fizică 2018 (Rezolvări Fizică 2018)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2017 (Rezolvări Algebră 2017) Fizică 2017 (Rezolvări Fizică 2017)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2016 (Rezolvări Algebră 2016) Fizică 2016 (Rezolvări Fizică 2016)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2015 (Rezolvări Algebră 2015) Fizică 2015 (Rezolvări Fizică 2015)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2014 (Rezolvări Algebră 2014) Fizică 2014 (Rezolvări Fizică 2014)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2013 (Rezolvări Algebră 2013) Fizică 2013 (Rezolvări Fizică 2013)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2012 Fizică 2012 (Rezolvări Fizică 2012)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2011 Fizică 2011 (Rezolvări Fizică 2011)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2010 Fizică 2010 (Rezolvări Fizică 2010)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2009 Fizică 2009
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2008 Fizică 2008
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2007 Fizică 2007 (Rezolvări Fizică 2007)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2006 Fizică 2006 (Rezolvări Fizică 2006)
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2005 Fizică 2005
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2004 Fizică 2004
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2003 (Rezolvări Algebră 2003) Fizică 2003
Algebră și Elemente de Analiză Matematică 2002 (Rezolvări Algebră 2002) Fizică 2002 (Rezolvări Fizică 2002)
Regarding the English Language proficiency test (just for the candidates who opted for Air Navigation), this will take place on 19 July 2019, 9 am, in Room BN304 Localul Nou Campus. Those who possess recognized English language certificates of Level B2, issued no earlier than 2017 (validity 2 years) as follows:
IELTS – minimum 6.00
FCE (First Certificate) – A și B
CAE (Cambridge Advanced)
CPE (Cambridge Proficiency)
TOEFL IBT (Internet Based Test) – minimum 72
TOEFL Paper – minimum 550
TOEFL Computer- minimum 213
are also expected at 9 am in Room BN304 to have the certificate validated. The certificate will be presented in both original and copy. Those who do not own a certificate will take the test with a duration of 3 hours, starting at 10 am. The test consists of all components: reading and use of English, writing, listening, speaking.
A test example my be found <here>
The test yields a selective result like Admitted / Rejected. The candidates who do not pass the English test may continue the admission process for the programs in Romanian language.
Something else? (Useful documents – in Romanian)
Final Results Admissions 2018
<Final Results Admissions 2018>
<Final Results Admission 2018 Air Navigation>
The session to occupy vacant places (August-September) is open in the days of Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th of July, and 10th, 11th and 12th of September 2018, 9 am – 3 pm at the Faculty Office.
After the first day (23 July) there are 6 places left with tuition fee, our of which maximum 4 at Air Navigation (taught in English).
After the second day (24 July) there are 4 places left with tuition fee, our of which maximum 2 at Air Navigation (taught in English).
After the third day (10 September) there are no more places left, all places without and with tuition fee being occupied. We accept only candidates through special admission programs (from rural high schools, of Rroma ethnicity or Romanians from everywhere).
Final Results Admissions Session July 2018
Out of 219 candidates admitted without fee, 217 registered. On the 2 vacated places, 2 candidates formerly admitted on places with tuition fee have promoted, in order of their average grades (with the exception of the first in the list who intentionally chose fee). Out of the 40 admitted with fee 33 registered, vacating 7 + 2 = 9 places with fee for the second session (out of which, up to 5 for Air Navigation). For candidates coming from rural high schools, 1 place was occupied. For Romanians from everywhere there are 3 candidates admitted in principle, their files being processed by the International Students Office. After this procedure will be complete, they will be listed.
<Admitted and Registered in Session July 2018>
<Admitted and Registered Air Navigation July 2018>
The Session to occupy the vacant places (August-September) is open on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 July, and on 10, 11 and 12 September 2018 from 9 am -3 pm at the Faculty Office.
Results Admission July 2018 1st Stage
After the 1st stage of the admission process, 219 places without fee out of 219 were taken, 40 places with tuition fee out of 40 were also taken. Also, 1 place for Rural High Schools candidates was occupied. The only vacancy is one place reserved for candidates of Rroma ethnicity. Admitted candidates, please register on 18-19 July 2018, else your places will be vacated. Candidates admitted with fee who want to study without tuition fee will slide up to occupy these vacant places. For vacant places with fee, a 2nd Stage of the admission process will be organized if needed.
<Admitted 1st Stage July 2018>
<Admitted through redistribution July 2018>
<Admitted Air Navigation in English>
Important announcement for the candidates 2018 (in Romanian)
Daily Candidates Registration Status
In July 2018 Admission session 269 candidates contest 219 tuition-free places + 1 place for candidates coming from Rural High Schools = 220 tuition-free places + 40 places with tuition fee = 260 places
Out of the 269 candidates, 90 opted for the Air Navigation program (taught in English) with 40 tuition-free places + 16 places with tuition fee = 56 places (out of the above 260)
Candidates, please check on-line the venue of the exam and data accuracy.
<Polizu Campus Map to localize the Venues>
Candidates who opted for Air Navigation and will have been admitted on Tuesday 17 July when the results are displayed, will take an English Language test on Wednesday 18 Jult 2018 11 am in Room A209. Following the results of the test, candidates will be split in two categories:
- Admitted to Study in English
- Admitted to Study in Romanian
Regardless of category or option, all admitted candidates are invited to register on 18 or 19 July 2018 at the Faculty Office between 9 am and 4 pm. Admitted candidates who do not register in these two days vacate their place, which will be delivered to other admitted candidates within the redistribution process.
About the Number of Places
In 2018 the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering offers 220 places without tuition fee at undergraduate level. Out of these, one is reserved to the candidates of Roma ethnicity. Additionally, 40 places with tuition fee are on offer. We recommend to the candidates to opt for ”with fee” too, even if they do not want to pay a tuition fee. Why? Because if the candidates do not succeed initially to catch one of the 219+1 tuition free places, if the ”with tax” option is not selected, they will be irreversibly redistributed to other faculties. If the option is there, they will be kept in the list of our faculty. From our past experience, 10 to 15% of the candidates initially admitted withdraw and the ”with tax” list automatically promotes to the ”tax free” zone, within the number of these freed places.
Extra form the 220 tax free places, as a novelty in 2018, the graduates of rural high schools compete separately from the rest of the candidates. For them, a minimal grade of 5.00 is enough to get an additional place, without tax.
Also, Romanians from everywhere benefit from a number of additional places without tax, and without tax and a scholarship, respectively. Please, see the International Students page for the methodology.
Bachelor Admissions Final Results 2017
Bachelor Admissions Final Results 2017 Air Navigation (taught in English)
Update on 5 September 2017: 9 places with tuition fee still available for admission
For the second admission session there are 23 vacancies for IAX – places with tuition fee (including Air Navigation). The places are granted on a first come, first serve rule, according to UPB regulations. Applications are welcome from 28 August to 8 September 2017, at the Faculty Office, from 9 am to 4 pm.
Admissions July 2017 Final Results
Attn: Candidates to the Bachelor Admission Contest – JULY 2017 (in Romanian)
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