Presentation ALTEN
ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest wants to come closer to the students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and as a result, on the 1st of April we will come to the Faculty to give a presentation to students from 4th year. The presentation will start at 16 :00 will take place in Room Polizu G01 and we will touch upon the challenges the aerospace industry is facing nowadays.
ALTEN Delivery Center –Open Doors Event
ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest organizes on the 5th of April 2019 an Open Doors event for 3rd year, 4th year and Master students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering from Politehnica University in Bucharest. The scope of this event is to familiarize students with the challenges of being an aerospace engineering.
The Open Doors event will take place at ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest headquarter from Bruxelles Building, Splaiul Independentei 319L ( SEMA Parc) and will give students the opportunity to see and find out from our colleagues information regarding the work environment for which they are preparing.
During the 2 hours event the students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering will be presented our projects and activity as well as a QA session with our project leaders and a technical Quiz. Stay tuned!
The registration can be done until Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at 16:00 by sending a CV at After that, students will receive an email from the organizational team with the hour the event will take place.
Objective Function for 4D Trajectory Optimization in Trajectory Based Operations
Octavian Thor Pleter and Cristian Emil Constantinescu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 060042 Bucharest, Romania and Irina Beatrice Stefanescu, Romanian Space Agency, 010362 Bucharest, Romania Abstract: In the future ATM implementations based on 4D...
Romanian Civil Aviation Authority
The Romanian Civil Aviation Authority (RCAA) and the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (UPB-FAE) signed a protocol on 13 December 2008, with the duration of one year, which extends automatically if the agreement is not broken...
The Romanian Administration of Air Traffic Services ROMATSA and the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering have signed on 13 August 2008 a cooperation protocol for 12 years, a strategic partnership to harmonize the programs of...