Air Navigation Convention 2019 “Making of a decade”: 28-29th of March

Air Navigation Convention, which celebrates this year its 10th edition, is an event organized by a group of students of the Air Navigation section of the Aerospace Engineering Faculty that aims to build a bridge between generations. By gathering students, professors, alumni and top companies from Romania and abroad, we encourage fruitful communications on aviation topics, and thus, a proactive attitude towards interacting with the professionals that are invited is expected.


What is the main target of this event?

Furthermore, the objective of this international event is to facilitate a proper environment for the young students to be in contact with the latest ideas, breakthroughs and also drawbacks that the aerospace domain is facing nowadays. All the former editions of the Air Navigation Convention, including the following one are especially designed to develop the mind in a professional manner and because of that, the event is comprised of a series of panel discussions that cover both themes with incursions in the past and topics of utmost importance today and tomorrow. Moreover, guests will address these subjects in a professional manner, providing the future engineers with information about ongoing projects and expectations in the aviation field. Thus, students are encouraged to ask questions and to communicate as much as possible with the guests during the panels, as well as during the breaks.

Why should you choose to come?

Aviation can be considered as being among the most complex fields of engineering and this is why students need models to look up to in order to find their own path in life. Consequently, this year’s guests will thoroughly conceive their presentations in order to share beside technical aspects, at least a glimpse of their experiences that brought them to success.

How will be the objective of the 10th edition of Air Navigation Convention achieved?

As in each edition, representatives of leading companies and institutions from all over Europe will honor us with their presence, such as: EUROCONTROL, Maastricht Upper Area Control, DFS, AustroControl, NAV Portugal, NATS, Enaire Spain, SANS, MATS, Aeropath, Frequentis, ROMATSA, Blue Air, Regional Air Services, IATA, Dedalus, Think Research, AACR. Therefore, the standards of the event are always maintained as high as possible, providing the engineers of tomorrow with valuable information with respect to the latest researches in the field and, most importantly, a number of internship positions.

In other words, if you are a proactive student, with deep interests in the aerospace domain and in search of an internship position, Air Navigation Convention is the ideal opportunity for you!

Last but not least, we would like  to give many thanks to our sponsors: Blue Air, Regional Air Services, Deimos, Frequentis, INCAS, IATA, Iacarii Acrobați – Aerobatic Yakers, IDM, Alumni Politehnica Aerospace Engineering Association.

 Media partners: ,, Ştiinţă & Tehnică,

 This event is hosted by: Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest

<Air Navigation Convention 2019 Agenda>





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