Air Navigation Convention 15th -16th of March 2018

Reaching its 9th edition, the Air Navigation Convention is an important event organized by students of the Air Navigation Department of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Everything starts from the desire to connect students with the latest aviation topics, and thus, every year, the convention brings together professionals from both Romania and across the border, teachers and last but not least students.


The organization of this international conference aims at connecting students with the work, ideas and professional experience of exceptional guests, to motivate and facilitate the professional development of young minds. Each of the eight editions followed a well-established theme, on the basis of which the guests could share their professional experience. Thus, this year’s theme will be “Sharing the Sky – Beyond Performance and Success”.

Why this choice?

The field of aviation is very vast, and students need models and guidance to choose their career paths. The theme urges the guests to conceive their presentations so that, in addition to technical aspects, they share with the students a little bit of the story of their way to success.

How is the target met?

As every year, there will be representatives of leading institutions, including EUROCONTROL, Maastricht Upper Area Control, ICAO, DFS, AustroControl, Snowflake Software, Avitech, NAV Portugal, NATS, ITV Consult, Enaire Spain, Frequentis, ROMATSA, Blue Air, Regional Air Services, JLG Consulting, IATA, Dedalus, Think Research, McClell Aero Berlin, AACR. Not only that they maintain the quality standard of the event, but offer great opportunities for future engineers: from information on the latest research and findings in the field to internship opportunities.

What’s new this year?

A rethinking of the event was attempted. Out of the desire to be more focused on students’ needs, panels will be organized during the two days that will discuss topics related to the theme of this edition, “Sharing the Sky –  Beyond Performance and Success “.

In the first part, the guests included in the agenda will address the subject, “Digital Revolution in Aviation,” bringing every mention of professional activity in this field, with reference to ongoing projects.

However, this year’s surprise is “Nuclear Family,” an interactive play that puts spectators in the position to make decisions in stressful and real-time situations in order to draw attention to the importance and influence of human factors, just culture, management in accidents.

Moreover, there will be panels on the opportunities of undergraduate and master students from both Romania and other countries.

<Agenda 2018 Edition>


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