Aerostar Bacău and the University Politehnica of Bucharest have signed a Partenrship Agreement on 29 March 2016 for 5 years. The Agreement regards the Faculties of Aerospace Engineering, of Electronics, Communication and Information Technology, and of Engineering and Management of Technology Systems. The agreement has the following provisions:

  • correlation of the curriculum with the requirements of the employer,
  • enhancing of UPB’s professional formative capacity,
  • organizing and running the internship stages,
  • study and professional counselling visits,
  • development of interesting subjects for diploma projects and dissertations (subjects proposed to FAE (in Romanian))
  • development of applied research subjects,
  • creating internship programs of maximum 5 students over the summer vacation

Aerostar Bacău manufactures aircraft structures and is among the busiest maintenance and repair companies in the region, employing many graduates of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering; in the picture, a Split Scimitar winglet, whcih the Romanian engineers installed for the first time on a Boeing 737-800 TUIFly Nordic aircraft, in 2014

In the next picture, the following sections are shown: Shroud box assembly line – Quality inspection (up) – Civil aviation maintenance (center) – Hydroforming line – Computer Numerical Control for Mechanical Processing (down)



Our Graduates Fulbright Student Award Winners 2019

  Andreea Sfia, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Air Navigation, Alumna 2018     Mihai Golu, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Air Navigation, Alumnus 2017   Last year we saw the Fulbright announcement on our website and we decided to apply for...

Erasmus Open Days

  Erasmus Open Doors (EOD) will take place on Tuesday, 5 March 2019, 12 pm in AN010 conference room. Every adventure starts with the first step, so put EOD in your agenda...  

Alumnus Eng. Teodor Zanfirescu

  Alumni Politehnica Aerospace Engineering association organizes historic meeting of the students and teaching staff of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering with a remarkable Alumnus: Eng. Teodor Zanfirescu, graduate of 1954. The meeting will take place in...


  Catia Lab is the laboratory by which UPB - Aerospace Engineering Faculty and ALTEN Delivery Center Bucharest (GECI Engineering Services) lay the foundations of the next generation of aircraft design engineers. We invite all interested students wishing to learn...

Athens Network for Students

  Athens Network is a short duration mobility program for students (16-24 March 2019). English language level B2 is required. Apply following these steps : -  Fill the form: -  Access Athens site and create an account,...

Harmony Jets Openings

  Harmony Jets based in Malta hires urgently an aerospace engineer with knowledge of air navigation for the position of dispatcher. Details <here>.  

Openings at the Aeroclubul României

  Courtesy of CEO pilot eng. George Rotaru (alumnus of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering) we announce that Aeroclubul României looks to hire young aerospace engineers. Details (in Romanian) <here>. Aeroclubul României is an important aviation...

Presentations and Projects of students

Presentations and Projects of Students On the 9th of January 2019 students of the first year of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, the Air Navigation Department presented the final project for the Introduction to Aerospace Engineering course held by the dean of the...

Students Wanted at the Fokker Academy

  Fokker Academy was established in March 2017, in the wake of signing the Partnership between UPB Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and GKN Fokker Engineering Romania. In the Fokker Academy, our students learn to design directly from highly experienced engineers,...