Aerostar Bacău and the University Politehnica of Bucharest have signed a Partenrship Agreement on 29 March 2016 for 5 years. The Agreement regards the Faculties of Aerospace Engineering, of Electronics, Communication and Information Technology, and of Engineering and Management of Technology Systems. The agreement has the following provisions:

  • correlation of the curriculum with the requirements of the employer,
  • enhancing of UPB’s professional formative capacity,
  • organizing and running the internship stages,
  • study and professional counselling visits,
  • development of interesting subjects for diploma projects and dissertations (subjects proposed to FAE (in Romanian))
  • development of applied research subjects,
  • creating internship programs of maximum 5 students over the summer vacation

Aerostar Bacău manufactures aircraft structures and is among the busiest maintenance and repair companies in the region, employing many graduates of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering; in the picture, a Split Scimitar winglet, whcih the Romanian engineers installed for the first time on a Boeing 737-800 TUIFly Nordic aircraft, in 2014

In the next picture, the following sections are shown: Shroud box assembly line – Quality inspection (up) – Civil aviation maintenance (center) – Hydroforming line – Computer Numerical Control for Mechanical Processing (down)



Awards Received by the Students

  National Competition Where? When? Who? Place Mechanics Brașov, 2016 Cojocaru Petru Bogdan 1st Prize across the nation Strength of Materials București, 2016 Gall Mihnea 3rd Prize across the nation Mechanics București, 2015 Aruștei Adrian 2nd Prize across the...

Nicolae Tipei Award 2017

  For the 2017 Edition, the rules of the prestigious “Nicolae Tipei” Award have been improved. The financial reward grew from $500 to $750 (USD), following the decision of Professor Sever Tipei, who is generously sponsoring this award. The main retribution though...

George Firican

  Eng. George Firican Eng. George Firican is a founder members of AirNav Board, a Think Tank constisting of graduates of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, personalities of the field, professionally validated in...

Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu

”Since I was a kid I have dreamed to fly. I was closing my eyes and felt like floating over mountains, valleys, discovering new worlds. The deep abyss and the infinite height have always fascinated me. Finally, I got to fly in space. Accomplished dreams are like a...

Răzvan Mărgăuan

  Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan Eng. Răzvan Mărgăuan works for more than 17 years in Eurocontrol, at the Maastricht Upper Area Control Center, and also at the central headquarters in Bruxelles. În Eurocontrol there is a strong Romanian team of engineers, graduates of the...

AeroConsult 2017

  AeroConsult is an annual convention of the aerospace employers with the academic community of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The purpose is to provide professional counselling to students, who benefit form direct meeting opportunities with the companies...

Laura Gârdu

  Post by: Mirabela Tiron          Posted on 19 May 2014 Every day at work, Laura Gârdu visits an European city. She does not go shopping, she barely has the chance to see the airport, the city stays out of reach. But she works travelling, a dream which occupies...

Air Navigation Convention 2017

  The 8th Edition of the Air Navigation Convention 2017 International Conference was hosted by the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the University Politehnica of Bucharest on 23-24 March 2017. The event was organized with the UPB-FAE students in the Radu...

Best Aerospace Engineering Employer Award 2016

  On 23 March 2017, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering  offered to the Blue Air company the Trophy Best Aerospace Engineering Employer Award 2016. This trophy is presented every year to that company who employed most UPB-FAE graduates, bachelor, master, and...