With the vision to develop and inspire future leaders and bring added value to the relationship between students and aerospace companies, the EUROAVIA Bucureşti  Association supports the students with the project called AEROCONSULT.

At its 9th edition, AEROCONSULT 2018 is a prestigious project within the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, where each student has the opportunity to relate to prospective employers who will help them fulfill their dreams and follow their passion.

It is an opportunity fair for those studying aerospace engineering, giving them the chance to learn information directly from employers about companies, practice programs and jobs available.

The event will take place on 23rd and 24th of April, at Universty POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, in AN010.

The main objectives of AEROCONSULT 2018:

  • the communication between the representatives of participating companies and University students;
  • the promotion of the companies which operate in the aerospace engineering field;
  • the facility of signing precontracts for interships and jobs, also being an opportunity for those in the younger years who want to deepen the knowledge gained through their studies.


What is new?

The structure of the two days will be changed from the previous editions, bringing a new look to the event to achieve its mission. The companies will be grouped and will have  presentations according to the area of expertise, the activity carried out predominantly, but also their desire. After presenting companies based on their specialization, they are invited to what is known as “open panel discussion”. The idea of the “open panel discussion” is conceived like being an open discussion between the representatives of companies, preferably staffed fresh graduates and event participants, led by a qualified person. This type of discussion has the role of helping participants to become aware of the importance of an internship during the faculty, as well as the theoretical notions required by the chosen specialty.

This concept aims to provide a more detailed and interactive account of the experiences lived in the company’s work environment by the graduates, possibly freshly employed, who are easier to identify with those in front of them. Employees participating in the panels will have the opportunity to have free discussions around a predefined subject and to answer students to questions, opening up being higher due to the current studies.

Also, this year, the introduction of scanners will help the process of knowledge of the participants in the event. The student enrolling at the event will upload the CV to increase his chances of finding an internship or a job. After the online registration, a QR code is automatically generated to the participant. This code is scanned at the stand so the company can see the candidate’s potential profile in real time. The view of the CV and a discussion with the participant can lead to a possible new recruit.

Student ideals can be materialized by the presence of companies and their direct interaction with young aspirants in the aerospace field, thus shaping the potential of new careers.



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