C# and C++ Air traffic control ATC / ATM Software Engineer (BBBH340) Bournemouth, England

Salary: GBP38 – GBP39 per hour

C# Software Engineer – Air Traffic Control Systems

Key skills: C# , C++ , Software Engineer – Air traffic Management

C# C++ Software Engineer with experience and understanding of Air traffic Management Systems to join a team of software engineers developing a new Air traffic control project. Excellent company and Global leader in ATM services offering a 6 month contract. You must have project experience working on ATM systems and be able to competently code in C# and C++. C# is the main development language 90% and C++ 10% of the workload. You must be available to start the contract within the next two weeks and possess the knowledge to hit the floor running. If you have all the above and are immediately available please apply as soon as possible.

LinkedIn Applications <here>

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